首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Journal of Nematology >Review of Pasteuria penetrans: Biology Ecology and Biological Control Potential

Review of Pasteuria penetrans: Biology Ecology and Biological Control Potential




Pasteuria penetrans is a mycelial, endospore-forming, bacterial parasite that has shown great potential as a biological control agent of root-knot nematodes. Considerable progress has been made during the last 10 years in understanding its biology and importance as an agent capable of effectively suppressing root-knot nematodes in field soil. The objective of this review is to summarize the current knowledge of the biology, ecology, and biological control potential of P. penetrans and other Pasteuria members. Pasteuria spp. are distributed worldwide and have been reported from 323 nematode species belonging to 116 genera of free-living, predatory, plant-parasitic, and entomopathogenic nematodes. Artificial cultivation of P. penetrans has met with limited success; large-scale production of endospores depends on in vivo cultivation. Temperature affects endospore attachment, germination, pathogenesis, and completion of the life cycle in the nematode pseudocoelom. The biological control potential of Pasteuria spp. have been demonstrated on 20 crops; host nematodes include Belonolaimus longicaudatus, Heterodera spp., Meloidogyne spp., and Xiphinema diversicaudatum. Pasteuria penetrans plays an important role in some suppressive soils. The efficacy of the bacterium as a biological control agent has been examined. Approximately 100,000 endospores/g of soil provided immediate control of the peanut root-knot nematode, whereas 1,000 and 5,000 endospores/g of soil each amplified in the host nematode and became suppressive after 3 years.
机译:巴斯德氏巴斯德氏菌是一种菌丝体,形成内生孢子的细菌寄生虫,已显示出作为根结线虫的生物防治剂的巨大潜力。在过去的十年中,在理解其生物学和作为能够有效抑制田间土壤根结线虫的药剂的重要性方面取得了长足的进步。这篇综述的目的是总结P. penetrans和其他巴斯德氏菌属成员的生物学,生态学和生物控制潜力的当前知识。巴斯德氏菌线虫分布在世界各地,据报道,它属于自由生活,掠食性,植物寄生性和昆虫致病性线虫的116属323种线虫。人工栽培的P. penetrans取得了有限的成功。内生孢子的大规模生产取决于体内培养。温度会影响线虫假体腔中的内生孢子附着,发芽,发病机理以及生命周期的完成。巴斯德氏菌的生物防治潜力。已经在20种农作物上得到证明;寄主线虫包括Beloolaimus longicaudatus,Heterodera spp。,Meloidogyne spp。和Xiphinema diversicaudatum。巴斯德氏巴斯德菌在某些抑制性土壤中起重要作用。已经检查了细菌作为生物防治剂的功效。大约100,000内生孢子/克土壤可​​立即控制花生根结线虫,而1,000和5,000内生孢子/克土壤分别在宿主线虫中扩增并在3年后被抑制。



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