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Protection against LPS-induced acute lung injury by a mechanism-based inhibitor of NADPH oxidase (type 2)




The phospholipase A2 activity of peroxiredoxin 6 is inhibited by the transition state analog, 1-hexadecyl-3-(trifluoroethyl)-sn-glycero-2-phosphomethanol (MJ33). This activity is required for the activation of NADPH oxidase, type 2. The present study evaluated the effect of MJ33 on manifestations of acute lung injury. Mice were injected intratracheally (IT) with LPS from Escherichia coli 0111:B4 (LPS, 1 or 5 mg/kg), either concurrently with LPS or 2 h later, and evaluated for lung injury 24 h later. MJ33 inhibited reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation by lungs when measured at 24 h after LPS. LPS at either a low or high dose significantly increased lung infiltration with inflammatory cells, secretion of proinflammatory cytokines (IL-6, TNF-α, and the chemokine macrophage inflammatory protein-2), expression of lung vascular cell adhesion molecule, lung permeability (protein in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid, leakage of FITC-dextran, lung wet-to-dry weight ratio), tissue lipid peroxidation (thiobarbituric acid reactive substances, 8-isoprostanes), tissue protein oxidation (protein carbonyls), and activation of NF-κB. MJ33, given either concurrently or 2 h subsequent to LPS, significantly reduced all of these measured parameters. Previous studies of toxicity showed a high margin of safety for MJ33 in the intact mouse. Thus we have identified MJ33 as a potent, nontoxic, and specific mechanism-based inhibitor of NADPH oxidase type 2-mediated ROS generation that protects mice against lung injury associated with inflammation.
机译:过氧化物类毒素6的磷脂酶A2活性被过渡态类似物1-十六烷基-3-(三氟乙基)-sn-甘油-2-磷酸乙醇(MJ33)抑制。此活性是激活2型NADPH氧化酶所必需的。本研究评估了MJ33对急性肺损伤表现的影响。向小鼠气管内(IT)注射来自大肠杆菌0111:B4的LPS(LPS,1或5 mg / kg),或同时注射LPS或2小时后,并在24小时后评估肺损伤。在LPS后24小时进行测量时,MJ33抑制了肺中活性氧(ROS)的产生。低剂量或高剂量LPS​​均可显着增加炎症细胞的肺浸润,促炎细胞因子(IL-6,TNF-α和趋化因子巨噬细胞炎性蛋白2)的分泌,肺血管细胞粘附分子的表达,肺通透性(支气管肺泡灌洗液中的蛋白质,FITC-右旋糖酐泄漏,肺干湿比),组织脂质过氧化(硫代巴比妥酸反应性物质,8-异前列腺素),组织蛋白质氧化(蛋白质羰基)和激活NF-κB 。 MJ33,在LPS注射后或同时注射2小时后,可显着降低所有这些测量参数。先前的毒性研究表明,完整小鼠中MJ33的安全性很高。因此,我们已经确定MJ33是NADPH氧化酶2型介导的ROS生成的有效,无毒且基于特定机制的抑制剂,可保护小鼠免受与炎症相关的肺损伤。



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