首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Advances in Wound Care >The Incorporation of Radionuclides After Wounding by a Dirty Bomb: The Impact of Time for Decorporation Efficacy and a Model for Cases of Disseminated Fragmentation Wounds

The Incorporation of Radionuclides After Wounding by a Dirty Bomb: The Impact of Time for Decorporation Efficacy and a Model for Cases of Disseminated Fragmentation Wounds




>Objective: In the case of a terrorist attack by a “dirty bomb” there is a risk of internal contamination with radionuclides through inhalation and wounds. We studied the efficacy of a decorporation treatment depending on the initiation time and duration.>Approach: Based on biokinetic models, we simulated the impact of different diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid treatments on the committed effective dose after the incorporation of plutonium-239.>Results: For the same level of radioactivity, the dose was higher after the fast absorption from the wound than after a slow invasion following inhalation. The impact of the treatment initiation time was particularly important in the case of the internal contamination through the wound. Ending the treatment at an early point in time was followed by an augmentation of radioactivity in the blood compartment, reflecting insufficient treatment duration. Treatment efficacy increased only marginally if extended over 90 days.>Innovation and Conclusion: For plutonium-239, the committed effective dose and the impact of the treatment initiation time on therapeutic efficacy predominantly depend on the speed of invasion, i.e., the pathway and the physicochemical properties of the compounds involved. Thus, it is prudent to start decorporation therapy as soon as possible, as a loss of efficacy resulting from a delay in treatment initiation cannot be compensated later on. In the case of plutonium-239 incorporation, the treatment must be continued for several months. Multiple fragmentation wounds might be aggregated to a single wound model suited for internal dosimetry calculations by using the “rule of nine.”
机译:>目的:在“肮脏炸弹”恐怖袭击的情况下,有可能因吸入和伤口而被放射性核素内部污染。 >方法:基于生物动力学模型,我们模拟了不同的二亚乙基三胺五乙酸处理方法在掺入-后对有效有效剂量的影响。 239. >结果:对于相同水平的放射性,从伤口快速吸收后的剂量高于吸入后缓慢侵入的剂量。在通过伤口造成内部污染的情况下,治疗开始时间的影响尤为重要。在较早的时间点结束治疗后,血液腔室中的放射性增加,反映出治疗持续时间不足。如果持续90天以上,治疗效果只会略有提高。>创新和结论:对于p239,有效剂量和治疗开始时间对治疗效果的影响主要取决于侵袭速度,即涉及的化合物的途径和理化性质。因此,应谨慎地尽快开始解体治疗,因为以后不能补偿因治疗开始延迟而导致的疗效下降。如果掺入239239,则治疗必须持续数月。通过使用“ 9条规则”,可以将多个碎片伤口合并为一个适合内部剂量计算的单个伤口模型。



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