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Oxidative Stress Indices as Markers of Lead and Cadmium Exposure Toxicity in Auto Technicians in Ibadan Nigeria




Auto technicians (auto mechanics, panel beaters, battery chargers, and auto painters) are among the most valuable work force in the society. Reports on oxidative stress in persons occupationally exposed to mixed chemicals abound; however, few have narrowed down specifically on auto technicians, while even fewer have stratified the exposure in the different subgroups of auto technicians. This study evaluated the antioxidant status in auto technicians routinely exposed to lead and cadmium and stratified the results of exposure by different subgroups of auto technicians in Ibadan, Nigeria. Sixty-five apparently healthy males (aged 18 to 65years) were selected based on specific inclusion criteria using a structured questionnaire. Thirty-four were cases consisting of participants routinely working as auto technicians or apprentices(≥2years) while controls were thirty-one nonoccupationally exposed male members of staff/students of the University College Hospital, Ibadan, Nigeria. Blood was collected from all participants and analyzed for the presence of lead, total antioxidant capacity (TAC), and total plasma peroxides (TPP); oxidative stress index (OSI) was calculated. Urine samples collected from all participants were analyzed for the presence of urinary lead and cadmium using standard laboratory methods. Although values of TAC in cases (22538 ± 8726.54) were not statistically different from what was obtained in controls (26741.87 ± 8696.68), TPP and OSI were statistically higher in cases than in controls (183.88 ± 53.39 and 120.16 ± 70.54, respectively, and 0.93 ± 0.45 and 0.49 ± 0.33, respectively). The blood lead level in cases (10.11 ± 4.47) was significantly higher than in controls (7.72 ± 1.22) while elevated urinary lead and cadmium levels were observed in cases (0.65 ± 0.21 and 0.34 ± 0.11, respectively) compared to controls (0.52 ± 0.19 and 0.27 ± 0.10, respectively). Raised TPP and OSI levels—hallmark of active lipid peroxidation—found to be highest among panel beaters compared to others may be prognostic of membrane-damaging diseases in this subgroup of auto technicians.
机译:汽车技术人员(汽车机械师,面板打浆机,电池充电器和汽车油漆工)是社会上最有价值的劳动力。关于职业接触混合化学品的人的氧化应激的报告很多;但是,很少有专门针对汽车技术人员的范围缩小,而将汽车技术人员的不同子类别的风险分层的人就更少了。这项研究评估了尼日利亚伊巴丹汽车技术人员常规暴露于铅和镉中的抗氧化剂状态,并对分层的结果进行了分层。根据特定的纳入标准,使用结构化问卷选择了65名表面健康的男性(年龄在18至65岁之间)。 34例病例由参加常规工作的汽车技术员或学徒(≥2年)的参与者组成,而对照组则是尼日利亚伊巴丹大学学院医院工作人员/学生的31名无职业暴露的男性成员。从所有参与者中采集血液并分析铅,总抗氧化剂能力(TAC)和总血浆过氧化物(TPP)的存在;计算氧化应激指数(OSI)。使用标准实验室方法分析从所有参与者收集的尿液样品中尿铅和镉的存在。尽管案例中的TAC值(22538±8726.54)与对照组的平均值(26741.87±8696.68)在统计学上没有差异,但TPP和OSI在统计学上高于对照组(183.88±53.39和120.16±70.54),并且分别为0.93±0.45和0.49±0.33)。病例中的血铅水平(10.11±4.47)显着高于对照组(7.72±1.22),而与对照组(0.52±6)相比,尿铅和镉水平升高(分别为0.65±0.21和0.34±0.11)。分别为0.19和0.27±0.10)。与其他同类产品相比,TPP和OSI水平升高(活性脂质过氧化的标志)在面板打浆机中最高,这可能预示着该技术人员的膜损伤性疾病。



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