首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene >Acute Kidney Injury and Rhabdomyolysis after Protobothrops flavoviridis Bite: A Retrospective Survey of 86 Patients in a Tertiary Care Center

Acute Kidney Injury and Rhabdomyolysis after Protobothrops flavoviridis Bite: A Retrospective Survey of 86 Patients in a Tertiary Care Center

机译:Protobothrops flavoviridis咬伤后的急性肾脏损伤和横纹肌溶解:在三级护理中心对86例患者的回顾性调查



Acute kidney injury (AKI) is the main cause of death for victims of hematoxic snakebites. A few studies have described improvement in AKI rates in snakebite cases, but the reasons for the improvement have not been investigated. Eighty-six patients with Protobothrops flavoviridis bites admitted to a single center from January 2003 through March 2014 were included in the study. Clinical variables, including age, sex, blood pressure (BP), and serum creatinine (S-Cre), on admission were compared between patients with and without AKI. One patient died of disseminated intravascular coagulation following AKI (mortality rate 1.1%). Six patients developed AKI with rhabdomyolysis. Systolic BP, S-Cre, serum creatine kinase, white blood cell count, and platelet count differed significantly between the AKI and non-AKI groups (P = 0.01). Three of the six patients were physically challenged to a degree that made it difficult for them to move or communicate, and these difficulties likely exacerbated the severity of snakebite complications. Our study demonstrated that the risk of snakebite-induced AKI for physically challenged patients was high. To further reduce mortality due to snakebite-induced AKI, we need to make it possible for physically challenged patients to receive first aid sooner.
机译:急性肾损伤(AKI)是造成血液中毒的蛇咬伤受害者的主要死因。一些研究描述了蛇咬病例中AKI率的改善,但尚未研究改善的原因。该研究纳入了2003年1月至2014年3月在同一中心收治的86例黄原虫叮咬患者。比较有和没有AKI的患者入院时的临床变量,包括年龄,性别,血压(BP)和血清肌酐(S-Cre)。一名患者死于AKI后弥散性血管内凝血(死亡率为1.1%)。 6例患者出现横纹肌溶解性AKI。 AKI组和非AKI组之间的​​收缩压,S-Cre,血清肌酸激酶,白细胞计数和血小板计数显着不同(P = 0.01)。六名患者中有三名受到身体上的挑战,致使他们难以移动或交流,这些困难可能会加剧蛇咬伤并发症的严重性。我们的研究表明,身体受到挑战的患者受到蛇咬致AKI的风险很高。为了进一步降低因蛇咬引起的AKI所致的死亡率,我们需要使身体残障的患者能够尽快接受急救。



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