首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene >Mapping the Epidemiology of Yaws in the Solomon Islands: A Cluster Randomized Survey

Mapping the Epidemiology of Yaws in the Solomon Islands: A Cluster Randomized Survey




Yaws, a non-venereal treponemal disease, is targeted for eradication by 2020 but accurate epidemiological data to guide control programs remain sparse. The Solomon Islands reports the second highest number of cases of yaws worldwide. We conducted a cluster randomized survey of yaws in two provinces of the Solomon Islands. One thousand four hundred and ninety-seven (1,497) children 5–14 years of age were examined. Clinical signs of active yaws were found in 79 children (5.5%), whereas 140 children (9.4%) had evidence of healed yaws lesions. Four hundred and seventy (470) (31.4%) children had a positive Treponema pallidum particle agglutination assay (TPPA). Two hundred and eighty-five (285) children (19%) had a positive TPPA and rapid plasma regain assay. Risk of yaws increased with age and was more common in males. The prevalence of yaws at village level was the major risk factor for infection. Our findings suggest the village, not the household, should be the unit of treatment in the World Health Organization (WHO) yaws eradication strategy.
机译:偏头痛是一种非性病性的视网膜疾病,其目标是在2020年之前根除,但用于指导控制方案的准确的流行病学数据仍然很少。所罗门群岛报告全球偏航病例数第二高。我们对所罗门群岛两个省的偏航进行了整群随机调查。检查了147位(1,497)5-14岁的儿童。活动偏航的临床症状在79例儿童中发现(5.5%),而140例儿童(9.4%)有偏航性损伤的迹象。四百七十(470)(31.4%)儿童的梅毒螺旋体颗粒凝集试验(TPPA)阳性。 285名(285)儿童(19%)的TPPA阳性且血浆恢复迅速。偏航的风险随着年龄的增长而增加,在男性中更为常见。村庄一级的偏航率是造成感染的主要危险因素。我们的研究结果表明,在世界卫生组织(WHO)根除偏航策略中,村庄应该是家庭,而不是家庭。



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