首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene >Assessing the Performance of CareStart Malaria Pf/Pv Combo Test Against Thick Blood Film in the Diagnosis of Malaria in Northwest Ethiopia

Assessing the Performance of CareStart Malaria Pf/Pv Combo Test Against Thick Blood Film in the Diagnosis of Malaria in Northwest Ethiopia

机译:评估埃塞俄比亚西北部针对厚厚血膜的CareStart疟疾Pf / Pv组合测试在诊断疟疾中的表现



Bivalent rapid diagnostic tests are promising diagnostic tools for Plasmodium falciparum and P. vivax. Their diagnostic performance was evaluated against thick blood smear to assist national malaria control programs. A cross-sectional study was conducted to evaluate the performance of CareStart against thick blood smears among 398 acute febrile patients visiting the Felegeselam Health Center in December of 2011. Thick blood smears were examined under 100× objectives to diagnose Plasmodium species. Similarly, CareStart Malaria Pf/Pv Combo Test was performed as per the manufacturer's instruction. The ability of CareStart Malaria Pf/Pv Combo Test to diagnose Plasmodium malaria was very good, with 99.8% (95% confidence interval = 97.7–100%) sensitivity and 97.7% (95% confidence interval = 94.6–99.1%) specificity. The sensitivity and specificity of the CareStart Test is comparable with the thick blood smear in diagnosing malaria. Hence, it is preferable to use the CareStart Malaria Pf/Pv Combo Test instead of microscopy in areas where microscopic diagnosis is limited.
机译:二价快速诊断测试是恶性疟原虫和间日疟原虫的有前途的诊断工具。对他们的诊断表现进行了针对浓血涂片的评估,以协助国家疟疾控制计划。进行了一项横断面研究,以评估2011年12月访问Felegeselam卫生中心的398例急性发热患者的CareStart抗厚血涂片的性能。在100倍物镜下检查了厚血涂片以诊断疟原虫种类。同样,按照制造商的说明进行了CareStart疟疾Pf / Pv组合测试。 CareStart Malaria Pf / Pv Combo Test诊断疟原虫疟疾的能力非常好,特异性为99.8%(95%置信区间= 97.7–100%)和97.7%(95%置信区间= 94.6–99.1%)。 CareStart测试的敏感性和特异性与诊断疟疾时的浓血涂片检查相当。因此,在显微镜诊断受限的地区,最好使用CareStart疟疾Pf / Pv组合测试代替显微镜。



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