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Sharing MLMs: an experiment between Columbia-Presbyterian and LDS Hospital.




The use of Arden syntax for development of shareable medical logic modules (MLM's) has developed as an ASTM standard. To test the feasibility of sharing MLM's between institutions a study was conducted between Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center and LDS Hospital. In this study seven MLM's clinically executing at Columbia-Presbyterian were used to test the sharing potential of the Arden syntax. The study was limited to measuring the modifications necessary to make executable at LDS Hospital the shared MLM's. Because of the site specific nature of the data variables, multiple modifications were required. Three classes of modifications were necessary. The simplest involved only data variable mappings. The other classes required either minor modifications to the logic or relatively major modifications. Over 50% of the modifications were in the minor or major classes. While the sharing of decision logic was possible and facilitated by the use of the MLM's at the two sites, the absence of standard medical vocabularies limited the utility of the MLM as a mechanism for directly sharing medical knowledge.
机译:将Arden语法用于可共享医疗逻辑模块(MLM)的开发已作为ASTM标准进行了开发。为了测试在机构之间共享传销的可行性,哥伦比亚-长老会医学中心和LDS医院之间进行了一项研究。在这项研究中,使用了在哥伦比亚长老会上临床执行的7个MLM,以测试Arden语法的共享潜力。该研究仅限于测量必要的修改,以使LDS Hospital可以执行共享的MLM。由于数据变量的特定于站点的性质,因此需要进行多次修改。必须进行三类修改。最简单的仅涉及数据变量映射。其他类别需要对逻辑进行较小的修改或相对较大的修改。超过50%的修改属于次要或主要课程。虽然可以在两个站点上使用MLM来共享决策逻辑,并且可以促进共享,但是缺少标准医学词汇限制了MLM作为直接共享医学知识的机制的实用性。



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