首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>AMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings >IV. Clinical Consultation Systems Medical Decision Support Systems and Clinical Research Data Bases: A. Medical Decision Support and Artificial Intelligence Methodologies: AI/COAG A Knowledge-Based System for Consultation about Human Hemostasis Disorders: Progress Report

IV. Clinical Consultation Systems Medical Decision Support Systems and Clinical Research Data Bases: A. Medical Decision Support and Artificial Intelligence Methodologies: AI/COAG A Knowledge-Based System for Consultation about Human Hemostasis Disorders: Progress Report

机译:IV。临床咨询系统医疗决策支持系统和临床研究数据库:A.医疗决策支持和人工智能方法:AI / COAG基于知识的人类止血病咨询系统:进展报告



AI/Coag is an interactive, knowledge based computer system which reports, analyzes and interprets clinical blood coagulation laboratory studies. The laboratory subsystem presently deals with six tests: platelet count, bleeding time, prothrombin time, activated partial thromboplastin time, thrombin time, and urea clot solubility. This subsystem returns a detailed analysis and interpretation of the test results. It also offers further information on specific aspects of the interpretation in the form of “Tell-Me-More” (TMM) items. Individual TMM items may be requested by the user during each interpretive session. Also available are the literature sources underlying the knowledge base, stored by the subsystem as “Tell-Me-Reference” (TMR) items. A second subsystem, under development, contains a detailed hemostasis history questionnaire, the answers from which will be analyzed in conjunction with results from the laboratory subsystem to provide a definitive interpretation or to suggest further laboratory tests.
机译:AI / Coag是一个基于知识的交互式计算机系统,可以报告,分析和解释临床凝血实验室研究。实验室子系统目前处理六项测试:血小板计数,出血时间,凝血酶原时间,活化的部分凝血活酶时间,凝血酶时间和尿素凝块溶解度。该子系统返回测试结果的详细分析和解释。它还以“告诉我更多”(TMM)项目的形式提供有关解释的特定方面的更多信息。用户可以在每个解释会话期间请求单独的TMM项目。还可以获取知识库基础的文献资源,这些文献资源由子系统存储为“告诉我参考”(TMR)项。正在开发的第二个子系统包含详细的止血史问卷,将结合实验室子系统的结果对答案进行分析,以提供确定的解释或建议进一步的实验室测试。



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