首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Annals of Surgery >Single-dose chemoprophylaxis in elective colorectal surgery. A comparison between doxycycline plus metronidazole and doxycycline.

Single-dose chemoprophylaxis in elective colorectal surgery. A comparison between doxycycline plus metronidazole and doxycycline.




In a prospective, randomized double-blind study either 400 mg of doxycycline + 1500 mg of metronidazole (D + M) or 400 mg of doxycycline (D) alone were given intravenously as a single preoperative dose to patients admitted for elective colorectal surgery. A comparison of the rate of postoperative septic complications was made. After excluding drop-out patients, 261 patients remained for evaluation. In 135 patients with D + M treatment there were four postoperative septic complications (3.0%). In 126 patients with D treatment 20 septic complications related to the surgical procedure occurred (15.9%). The difference is highly significant (p less than 0.005). Most postoperative infections were superficial wound infections (14 of 24 patients), and the mean hospital stay in the two treatment groups was equal. Bacteriologic studies showed a highly significant reduction in anaerobes in cultures from perioperative intra-abdominal fluid in the D + M treatment group. The study has thus showed that the addition of metronidazole, an efficient agent against anaerobic bacteria, to an antimicrobial agent against aerobic bacteria significantly reduces postoperative septic complications in elective colorectal surgery.
机译:在一项前瞻性,随机,双盲研究中,对接受择期结直肠外科手术的患者,以单次术前静脉注射400 mg强力霉素+ 1500 mg甲硝唑(D + M)或400 mg强力霉素(D)。比较术后败血并发症的发生率。在排除辍学患者之后,仍有261例患者需要评估。在135位D + M治疗患者中,术后发生了4例败血症并发症(3.0%)。在126例接受D治疗的患者中,发生了20例与手术相关的脓毒症并发症(占15.9%)。差异非常显着(p小于0.005)。大多数术后感染是浅表伤口感染(24例中有14例),并且两个治疗组的平均住院时间是相等的。细菌学研究表明,D + M治疗组的围手术期腹腔积液中培养物中厌氧菌的含量大大降低。因此,研究表明,将甲硝唑(一种抗厌氧菌的有效药剂)添加到一种抗需氧菌的抗菌剂中,可以显着减少选择性结直肠手术的术后脓毒症并发症。



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