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Multilaboratory Testing of Two-Drug Combinations of Antifungals against Candida albicans Candida glabrata and Candida parapsilosis




There are few multilaboratory studies of antifungal combination testing to suggest a format for use in clinical laboratories. In the present study, eight laboratories tested quality control (QC) strain Candida parapsilosis ATCC 22019 and clinical isolates Candida albicans 20533.043, C. albicans 20464.007, Candida glabrata 20205.075, and C. parapsilosis 20580.070. The clinical isolates had relatively high azole and echinocandin MICs. A modified CLSI M27-A3 protocol was used, with 96-well custom-made plates containing checkerboard pairwise combinations of amphotericin B (AMB), anidulafungin (AND), caspofungin (CSP), micafungin (MCF), posaconazole (PSC), and voriconazole (VRC). The endpoints were scored visually and on a spectrophotometer or enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) reader for 50% growth reduction (50% inhibitory concentration [IC50]). Combination IC50s were used to calculate summation fractional inhibitory concentration indices (FICIs) (ΣFIC) based on the Lowe additivity formula. The results revealed that the IC50s of all drug combinations were lower or equal to the IC50 of individual drugs in the combination. A majority of the ΣFIC values were indifferent (ΣFIC = 0.51 to 2.0), but no antagonism was observed (ΣFIC ≥ 4). Synergistic combinations (ΣFIC ≤ 0.5) were found for AMB-PSC against C. glabrata and for AMB-AND and AMB-CSP against C. parapsilosis by both visual and spectrophotometric readings. Additional synergistic interactions were revealed by either of the two endpoints for AMB-AND, AMB-CSP, AMB-MCF, AMB-PSC, AMB-VRC, AND-PSC, CSP-MCF, and CSP-PSC. The percent agreements among participating laboratories ranged from 37.5% (lowest) for AND-CSP and POS-VOR to 87.5% (highest) for AMB-MCF and AND-CSP. Median ΣFIC values showed a wide dispersion, and interlaboratory agreements were less than 85% in most instances. Additional studies are needed to improve the interlaboratory reproducibility of antifungal combination testing.
机译:很少有抗真菌药物联合测试的多实验室研究提出用于临床实验室的形式。在本研究中,八个实验室测试了质量控制(QC)副念珠菌ATCC 22019和临床分离株白色念珠菌20533.043,白色念珠菌20464.007,光滑念珠菌20205.075和副念珠菌20580.070。临床分离株具有相对较高的唑和棘皮菌素MIC。使用经过修改的CLSI M27-A3协议,使用96孔定制板,其中包含两性霉素B(AMB),阿尼芬净(AND),卡泊芬净(CSP),米卡芬净(MCF),泊沙康唑(PSC)和伏立康唑(VRC)。在分光光度计或酶联免疫吸附测定(ELISA)阅读器上目视对端点进行评分,以减少50%的生长(50%抑制浓度[IC50])。基于Lowe可加性公式,结合使用IC50来计算总抑制分数浓度指数(FICI)(ΣFIC)。结果显示,所有药物组合的IC50均低于或等于组合中单个药物的IC50。大多数ΣFIC值无关紧要(ΣFIC= 0.51至2.0),但未观察到拮抗作用(ΣFIC≥4)。通过目测和分光光度读数,发现针对AMB-PSC对抗光滑念珠菌以及针对AMB-AND和AMB-CSP对抗寄生虫的协同作用组合(ΣFIC≤0.5)。通过AMB-AND,AMB-CSP,AMB-MCF,AMB-PSC,AMB-VRC,AND-PSC,CSP-MCF和CSP-PSC的两个端点之一揭示了其他协同相互作用。参与实验室之间的协议百分比范围从AND-CSP和POS-VOR的37.5%(最低)到AMB-MCF和AND-CSP的87.5%(最高)。 ΣFIC值的中位数显示出很大的分散性,并且在大多数情况下,实验室间协议小于85%。需要进行更多的研究来提高抗真菌联合检测的实验室间可重复性。


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