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Pharmacokinetics of fluconazole in saliva and plasma after administration of an oral suspension and capsules.




The concentrations of fluconazole were determined at steady state in the saliva and plasma of 10 healthy volunteers after ingestion of fluconazole as capsules and after flushing the mouth for 2 min with the same dose formulated as an oral suspension and swallowing of the drug. Saliva and plasma samples were analyzed by a validated high-performance liquid chromatographic assay. Flushing and swallowing of the oral suspension resulted in a significantly (P = 0.005) higher mean area under the concentration-versus-time curve (AUC) from 0 to 24 h in saliva (89.13 +/- 23.42 mg.h/liter) than that obtained after ingestion of the same dose as capsules (69.27 +/- 12.89 mg . h/liter). The calculated mean maximum concentration in saliva just after swallowing of the suspension was 97.99 +/- 6.12 mg/liter. The peak fluconazole concentration in saliva after the ingestion of the capsules was 3.55 +/- 0.40 mg/liter. The fluconazole oral suspension and capsules resulted in comparable concentrations and AUCs in plasma. Thus, because of a higher local level of drug exposure in terms of both higher peak concentrations in saliva and a higher salivary AUC, the fluconazole oral suspension has theoretical advantages over the capsule formulation in the treatment of oropharyngeal candidiases.
机译:在摄入氟康唑胶囊后,用相同剂量的口服混悬剂和漱口水漱口2分钟后,测定10名健康志愿者在唾液和血浆中稳态下的氟康唑浓度。唾液和血浆样品通过经过验证的高效液相色谱分析进行了分析。口服混悬液的冲洗和吞咽导致浓度与时间曲线(AUC)在0至24小时内的唾液浓度(89.13 +/- 23.42 mg.h /升)下明显高于(P = 0.005)平均面积摄入与胶囊相同剂量(69.27 +/- 12.89 mg。h /升)后获得的。吞下悬浮液后,唾液中计算出的平均最大浓度为97.99 +/- 6.12 mg / L。摄入胶囊后唾液中氟康唑的峰值浓度为3.55 +/- 0.40 mg / L。氟康唑口服混悬液和胶囊在血浆中的浓度和AUC相当。因此,由于就唾液中较高的峰值浓度和较高的唾液AUC而言,较高的局部药物暴露水平,氟康唑口服混悬液在治疗口咽念珠菌病方面具有优于胶囊制剂的理论优势。



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