首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy >SDZ MRL 953 a novel immunostimulatory monosaccharidic lipid A analog with an improved therapeutic window in experimental sepsis.

SDZ MRL 953 a novel immunostimulatory monosaccharidic lipid A analog with an improved therapeutic window in experimental sepsis.

机译:SDZ MRL 953一种新型的免疫刺激性单糖脂质A类似物在实验性脓毒症中具有改善的治疗范围。



SDZ MRL 953, a new synthetic monosaccharidic lipid A, was investigated in vitro and in vivo for immunopharmacological activities. In experimental models of microbial infections, the compound was highly protective when it was administered prophylactically either once or three times to myelosuppressed or immunocompetent mice. The 50% effective doses of SDZ MRL 953 varied with the infectious agents and the route of its administration. In all cases, the 50% effective doses were about 10(3) times higher than those obtained with endotoxin from Salmonella abortus equi. SDZ MRL 953 was, however, less toxic than lipopolysaccharide by a factor of 10(4) to greater than 7 x 10(5) times in galactosamine-sensitized mice. The compound was also an effective inducer of tolerance to endotoxin. Hence, repeated dosing with the compound induced a transient resistance (greater than or equal to 1 week) to lethal challenges with endotoxin. In vitro, the compound was devoid of intrinsic antimicrobial activity, but it moderately induced the release of cytokines from monocytes and primed human neutrophils for the enhanced production of reactive oxygen metabolites in response to a soluble stimulus. The results presented here suggest that SDZ MRL 953 may be useful in a clinical setting for enhancing resistance to infections, particularly in patients undergoing myelosuppressive chemotherapy or irradiation, and for the prophylaxis of endotoxin shock.
机译:SDZ MRL 953是一种新型合成的单糖脂A,已在体内和体外研究了其免疫药理活性。在微生物感染的实验模型中,当对骨髓抑制或免疫功能正常的小鼠进行预防性给药一次或三次时,该化合物具有高度保护性。 SDZ MRL 953的50%有效剂量随感染因子及其给药途径的不同而不同。在所有情况下,有效剂量的50%均比用马术流产沙门氏菌内毒素获得的剂量高约10(3)倍。然而,在半乳糖胺致敏的小鼠中,SDZ MRL 953的毒性比脂多糖低10倍至4倍至7 x 10(5)倍。该化合物还是有效的内毒素耐受性诱导剂。因此,重复服用该化合物可引起对内毒素致死性攻击的短暂抵抗力(大于或等于1周)。在体外,该化合物没有固有的抗微生物活性,但可适度诱导单核细胞和引发的人嗜中性粒细胞释放细胞因子,从而增加可溶性氧代谢产物的活性氧代谢产物的产生。此处显示的结果表明,SDZ MRL 953可用于增强对感染的抵抗力,特别是在接受骨髓抑制性化疗或放疗的患者以及预防内毒素休克的临床环境中。



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