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Effect of topical antimicrobial treatment on aerobic bacteria in the stratum corneum of human skin.




The efficacy of antimicrobial agents applied topically to the skin surface in eradicating coagulase-negative staphylococci (CNS) residing in the stratum corneum underlying the surface was examined. Glabrous skin was sampled with a 26-cm2 contact plate containing Trypticase soy agar. Five antiseptic solutions and four antimicrobial ointments were evaluated. The antiseptic solutions (10% povidone-iodine, 2% aqueous iodine, 2% tincture of iodine, 70% ethanol, and 0.5% chlorhexidine-ethanol) were applied for 15 s with a gauze sponge. The antimicrobial ointments (iodophor, silver sulfadiazine, mupirocin, and a triple-antibiotic ointment containing neomycin, polymyxin, and bacitracin) were applied and covered for 6 h with gauze. After treatment, the surface was sampled, 15 to 25 keratinized layers were subsequently removed by sequential stripping with cellophane tape, and the stratum corneum was sampled. All agents were effective in eradicating CNS from the surface (80 of 88 trials). However, only 2% iodine (17 of 20 trials), iodophor (8 of 12), mupirocin (6 of 10), and the triple-antibiotic ointment (9 of 11) eradicated CNS from the stratum corneum reliably (greater than or equal to 50% of trials). The stratum corneum was repopulated with resident flora within 24 h of treatment with 2% iodine (4 of 4 trials), iodophor (6 of 7), or mupirocin (5 of 6), but repopulation occurred in only 1 of 7 trials with the triple-antibiotic ointment. Topical treatment of skin with antimicrobial agents usually eradicates CNS from the skin surface but may not eradicate CNS from the stratum corneum. Only the triple-antibiotic ointment eradicated CNS from the stratum corneum and prevented repopulation with resident flora.
机译:检查了局部施用到皮肤表面的抗菌剂在根除位于表面下的角质层中的凝固酶阴性葡萄球菌(CNS)的功效。用含有胰蛋白酶大豆琼脂的26cm 2接触板取样皮肤无毛。评价了五种消毒液和四种抗菌药膏。用纱布将消毒液(10%聚维酮碘,2%碘水溶液,2%碘tin,70%乙醇和0.5%洗必泰-乙醇)涂上15 s。涂上抗菌药膏(碘伏,磺胺嘧啶银,莫匹罗星和一种含有新霉素,多粘菌素和杆菌肽的三联抗生素药膏),并用纱布覆盖6小时。处理后,取样表面,随后通过依次用玻璃纸胶带剥离除去15至25个角化层,并取样角质层。所有药物均可有效根除表面的中枢神经系统(88个试验中的80个)。但是,只有2%的碘(20个试验中的17个),碘伏(12个中的8个),莫匹罗星(10个中的6个)和三抗生素软膏(11个中的9个)可靠地从角质层中消除了CNS(大于或等于)至试验的50%)。在用2%碘(4个试验中的4个),碘伏(7个中的6个)或莫匹罗星(6个中的5个)的治疗后24小时内,角质层重新填充了常驻菌群,但在7个试验中只有1个发生了再填充三联抗生素药膏。用抗菌剂对皮肤进行局部治疗通常可从皮肤表面根除CNS,但不能从角质层根除CNS。只有三联抗生素软膏从角质层中消除了中枢神经系统,并阻止了常驻菌群的繁殖。



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