首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Applied and Environmental Microbiology >Identity Diversity and Molecular Phylogeny of the Endophytic Mycobiota in the Roots of Rare Wild Rice (Oryza granulate) from a Nature Reserve in Yunnan China

Identity Diversity and Molecular Phylogeny of the Endophytic Mycobiota in the Roots of Rare Wild Rice (Oryza granulate) from a Nature Reserve in Yunnan China




Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is, on a global scale, one of the most important food crops. Although endophytic fungi and bacteria associated with rice have been investigated, little is known about the endophytic fungi of wild rice (Oryza granulate) in China. Here we studied the root endophytic mycobiota residing in roots of O. granulate by the use of an integrated approach consisting of microscopy, cultivation, ecological indices, and direct PCR. Microscopy confirmed the ubiquitousness of dark septate endophytes (DSEs) and sclerotium-like structures in root tissues. Isolations from 204 root segments from 15 wild rice plants yielded 58 isolates, for which 31 internal transcribed spacer (ITS)-based genotypes were recorded. The best BLAST match indicated that 34.5% of all taxa encountered may represent hitherto undescribed species. Most of the fungi were isolated with a very low frequency. Calculation of ecological indices and estimation of taxon accumulation curves indicated a high diversity of fungal species. A culture-independent approach was also performed to analyze the endophytic fungal community. Three individual clone libraries were constructed. Using a threshold of 90% similarity, 35 potentially different sequences (phylotypes) were found among 186 positive clones. Phylogenetic analysis showed that frequently detected clones were classified as Basidiomycota, and 60.2% of total analyzed clones were affiliated with unknown taxa. Exophiala, Cladophialophora, Harpophora, Periconia macrospinosa, and the Ceratobasidium/Rhizoctonia complex may act as potential DSE groups. A comparison of the fungal communities characterized by the two approaches demonstrated distinctive fungal groups, and only a few taxa overlapped. Our findings indicate a complex and rich endophytic fungal consortium in wild rice roots, thus offering a potential bioresource for establishing a novel model of plant-fungal mutualistic interactions.
机译:在全球范围内,稻米(Oryza sativa L.)是最重要的粮食作物之一。尽管已经研究了内生真菌和与水稻有关的细菌,但对于中国野生稻(Oryza颗粒)的内生真菌知之甚少。在这里,我们通过使用显微镜,栽培,生态指标和直接PCR组成的综合方法研究了O. granate根中的根内生真菌菌群。显微镜检查证实了根组织中深色分隔的内生菌(DSE)和菌核样结构的普遍存在。从15个野生稻植物的204个根段中分离出58个分离株,记录了31种基于内部转录间隔区(ITS)的基因型。最佳的BLAST匹配表明,所遇到的所有类群中有34.5%可能代表迄今未描述的物种。大多数真菌的分离频率非常低。生态指数的计算和分类群积累曲线的估计表明真菌种类的多样性。还进行了一种与文化无关的方法来分析内生真菌群落。构建了三个单独的克隆文库。使用90%的相似性阈值,在186个阳性克隆中发现了35个潜在的不同序列(系统型)。系统发育分析表明,经常检测到的克隆被分类为担子菌属,分析的总克隆中有60.2%与未知的分类单元相关。 Exophiala,Cladophialophora,Harpophora,Periconia macrospinosa和Ceratobasidium / Rhizoctonia复合体可能是潜在的DSE组。两种方法所表征的真菌群落的比较显示出独特的真菌群,并且只有少数分类单元重叠。我们的发现表明野生稻根中有一个复杂而丰富的内生真菌财团,从而为建立一种新颖的植物-真菌相互关系模型提供了潜在的生物资源。



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