首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Applied and Environmental Microbiology >Distribution of Protozoa in Subsurface Sediments of a Pristine Groundwater Study Site in Oklahoma

Distribution of Protozoa in Subsurface Sediments of a Pristine Groundwater Study Site in Oklahoma




Sediment core samples were obtained at a groundwater study site in Oklahoma in January and June 1985. Most-probable-number estimates showed that protozoan numbers declined steeply with depth in subsoil. Flagellates and amoebae dominated the protozoan population, which declined to a most probable number of 28 · g (dry weight)−1 in a clay loam layer at the bottom of the unsaturated zone. Samples from a texturally variable interface zone between 3 and 4 m down also were variable in their content of protozoa. Four contiguous clay loam samples in a single core from this zone contained variable numbers of amoebae ranging from 0.2 to 44 · g (dry weight)−1. However, a sandy clay loam layer at the bottom of the core contained a mixture of flagellates and amoebae with a combined population density of 67 · g (dry weight)−1. A slow-growing filose amoeba was isolated from interface zone samples and was tentatively classified in a new family in the order Aconchulinida. Protozoa were not detected in the saturated zone except in a very permeable gravelly, loamy sand layer at a depth of approximately 7.5 m. Low numbers (4 to 6 · g [dry weight]−1) of surface-type flagellates and amoebae, as well as the filose amoeba seen in the interface zone, were observed in this layer. Acid-treated and untreated samples contained equivalent numbers of protozoa, showing that the majority of protozoa in the layer at 7.5 m and the interface zone samples were encysted. Increased numbers of bacteria also were found in the layer at 7.5 m, indicating that it was biologically more active than other saturated-zone layers. Cyanobacteria grew in illuminated samples from this layer, suggesting that it may be connected hydrologically to a nearby river.
机译:沉积岩心样品是在1985年1月和1985年6月在俄克拉荷马州的一个地下水研究地点获得的。最可能的数字估计结果表明,原生动物的数量随着地下土壤的深度而急剧下降。鞭毛虫和变形虫在原生动物种群中占主导地位,在不饱和区底部的粘土壤土层中最有可能降至28·g(干重)-1(sup> -1)。从3到4 m之间的质地可变的界面区域采集的样品的原生动物含量也可变。在该区域的一个岩心中,有四个连续的黏土壤土样品,其变形虫数量范围从0.2到44·g(干重) -1 。但是,岩心底部的砂质壤土层含有鞭毛虫和变形虫的混合物,总种群密度为67·g(干重) -1 。从交界区样品中分离出生长缓慢的丝状变形虫,并按新菌纲暂定为新科。除了在深度约为7.5 m的高渗透性砾石质壤土层中,未在饱和带中检测到原生动物。在该层中观察到少量的表面型鞭毛和变形虫,数量为4至6 g [干重sup> -1 ,以及在界面区域看到的丝状变形虫。经酸处理和未经处理的样品含有等量的原生动物,表明该层中位于7.5 m处的大部分原生动物和界面区域的样品均被包埋。在7.5 m的层中还发现了细菌数量的增加,这表明它比其他饱和区层具有更高的生物活性。蓝细菌在该层的照明样品中生长,表明它可能在水文上与附近的河流相连。



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