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Potential Importance of Fish Predation and Zooplankton Grazing on Natural Populations of Freshwater Bacteria




The rates of ingestion of natural bacterial assemblages by natural populations of zooplankton (>50 μm in size) were measured during a 19-day period in eutrophic Frederiksborg Slotssø, Denmark, as well as in experimental enclosures (containing 5.3 m3 of lake water). The fish and nutrients of the enclosures were manipulated. In enclosures without fish, large increases in ingestion by zooplankton >140 μm in size were found (up to 3 μg of C liter−1 h−1), compared with values less than 0.3 μg of C liter−1 h−1 in the enclosures with fish and in the open lake. Daphnia cucullata and D. galeata dominated the community of zooplankton of >140 μm. Ingestion rates for zooplankton between 50 and 140 μm decreased after a period of about 8 days, in all enclosures and in the lake, to values below 0.1 μg of C liter−1 h−1. On the last 2 sampling days, somewhat higher values were observed in the enclosures with fish present. The >50-μm zooplankton ingested 48 to 51% of the bacterial net secondary production in enclosures without fish, compared to 4% in the enclosures with added fish. Considering the sum of bacterial secondary production plus biomass change, 35 to 41% of the available bacteria were ingested by zooplankton of >50 μm in the enclosures without fish, compared with 4 to 6% in the enclosures with added fish and 21% in the open lake. Fish predation reduced the occurrence of zookplankton sized >50 μm and thus left a large proportion of the available bacteria to zooplankton sized <50 μm. In fact, there were 4.6 × 103 to 5.0 × 103 flagellates (4 to 8 μm in size) ml−1 in the enclosures with fish added as well as in the lake, compared with 0.5 × 102 to 2.3 × 102 ml−1 in the enclosures without fish. This link in the food chain was reduced when fish predation on zooplankton was eliminated and a direct route of dissolved organic matter, via the bacteria to the zooplankton, was established.
机译:在19天的时间里,在丹麦富营养化的腓特烈堡Slotssø以及实验性围栏(含5.3 m 3 <)中,按浮游动物的自然种群(> 50μm)摄入天然细菌组合的速率进行了测量。 / sup>)。围栏的鱼和营养被操纵。在没有鱼类的围栏中,浮游动物的大小> 140μm,摄食量大大增加(高达3μgC升 -1 h -1 )在有鱼的围墙和开阔的湖泊中,少于0.3μg的C升 -1 h -1 。水蚤(Daphnia cucullata)和百日草(D. galeata)占主导地位的浮游动物群落> 140μm。经过约8天的时间,在所有围栏和湖泊中,浮游动物的摄食速率在50至140μm之间下降,低于C lt -1 h -1 < / sup>。在最后两个采样日,在有鱼的围栏中观察到更高的值。在没有鱼类的圈养区中,> 50μm的浮游动物摄入了细菌净次级产品的48%至51%,相比之下,在添加鱼类的圈养区中则占4%。考虑到细菌的二次生产与生物量变化的总和,在无鱼的围栏中,> 50μm的浮游动物摄食了35%至41%的可用细菌,而在添加鱼的围栏中,浮游动物摄食的细菌为4%至6%;开湖。鱼的捕食减少了> 50μm的浮游动物的发生,因此将大部分可用细菌留给了<50μm的浮游动物。实际上,外壳中有4.6×10 3 到5.0×10 3 鞭毛(大小为4至8μm)ml -1 在不带鱼的围栏中添加鱼以及在湖中添加鱼的情况,与0.5×10 2 到2.3×10 2 ml −1 的情况相比。当消除了浮游动物上的鱼类捕食,并建立了通​​过细菌进入浮游动物的溶解有机物的直接途径时,食物链中的这种联系得以减少。



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