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Impact of Mount St. Helens Eruption on Bacteriology of Lakes in the Blast Zone




Lakes lying within the blast zone of Mount St. Helens showed dramatic increases in heterotrophic bacterial numbers after the eruption of 18 May 1980. The total microscopic counts of bacteria in some of the most severely affected lakes were more than 107 cells per ml, an order of magnitude above the counts in outlying control lakes. Likewise, the numbers of viable bacteria reached levels of more than 106 cells per ml, compated with fewer than 104 cells per ml in control lakes. The CPS medium used for enumeration provided growth of up to 81.5% of the bacteria during sampling of one of the blast zone lakes. The high numbers of bacteria and the efficacy of the viable enumeration procedure are evidence that the lakes have been transformed rapidly from oligotrophy to eutrophy due to the eruption and its aftermath. Organic material leached from the devastated forest vegetation is thought to be responsible for the enrichment of heterotrophs. Total coliform bacteria were found in all of the blast zone lakes, and some lakes contained fecal coliform bacteria. Klebsiella pneumoniae was the predominant total coliform and was also identified as one of the fecal coliform bacteria, although Escherichia coli was the predominant species in that category. Our data indicate that bacterial populations peaked in the outer blast zone lakes in the summer of 1980 and in most of the inner lakes during the summer of 1981.
机译:1980年5月18日爆发后,位于圣海伦斯火山爆发带内的湖泊显示出异养细菌数量急剧增加。在一些受灾最严重的湖泊中,细菌的总显微计数超过10 7 6 个细胞的水平,而对照湖中的活细菌数量则少于每毫升10 4 个细胞。用于枚举的CPS培养基在一个爆炸区湖泊的采样过程中最多可提供81.5%的细菌生长。大量细菌和可行的计数程序的有效性证明了由于喷发及其后果,湖泊已从寡营养型迅速转变为富营养型。人们认为,从毁灭性森林植被中浸出的有机物质是异养生物富集的原因。在所有的爆炸区湖泊中发现了总的大肠菌,有些湖泊含有粪便中的大肠菌。肺炎克雷伯菌是主要的大肠菌群,也被确定为粪便大肠菌群之一,尽管大肠杆菌是该类别的主要菌种。我们的数据表明,细菌种群在1980年夏季在爆炸区外的湖泊中达到峰值,而在1981年夏季在大多数内湖中达到了峰值。



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