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Virus movement in soil columns flooded with secondary sewage effluent.




Secondary sewage effluent containing about 3 X 10(4) plaque-forming units of polio virus type 1 (LSc) per ml was passed through columns 250 cm in length packed with calcareous sand from an area in the Salt River bed used for ground-water recharge of secondary sewage effluent. Viruses were not detected in 1-ml samples extracted from the columns below the 160-cm level. However, viruses were detected in 5 of 43 100-ml samples of the column drainage water. Most of the viruses were adsorbed in the top 5 cm of soil. Virus removal was not affected by the infiltration rate, which varied between 15 and 55 cm/day. Flooding a column continuosly for 27 days with the sewage water virus mixture did not saturate the top few centimeters of soil with viruses and did not seem to affect virus movement. Flooding with deionized water caused virus desorption from the soil and increased their movement through the columns. Adding CaCl2 to the deionized water prevented most of the virus desorption. Adding a pulse of deionized water followed by sewage water started a virus front moving through the columns, but the viruses were readsorbed and none was detected in outflow samples. Drying the soil for 1 day between applying the virus and flooding with deionized water greatly reduced desorption, and drying for 5 days prevented desorption. Large reductions (99.99% or more) of virus would be expected after passage of secondary sewage effluent through 250 cm of the calcareous sand similar to that used in our laboratory columns unless heavy rains fell within 1 day after the application of sewage stopped. Such virus movement could be minimized by the proper management of flooding and drying cycles.
机译:每毫升含约3 X 10(4)脊髓灰质炎病毒1型(LSc)噬菌斑形成单位的次要污水从盐河河床地区的一个区域穿过长250厘米,装有钙质砂的柱子通过补充二次污水。从160厘米以下柱中提取的1毫升样品中未检测到病毒。但是,在43个100 ml的色谱柱排水样品中有5个检测到病毒。大多数病毒被吸附在土壤的最上面5厘米处。病毒去除不受渗透率的影响,渗透率在15到55厘米/天之间变化。用污水中的病毒混合物连续浸没色谱柱27天,并没有使病毒浸透土壤的顶部几厘米,似乎也没有影响病毒的移动。用去离子水淹没导致病毒从土壤中解吸,并增加了病毒通过色谱柱的运动。向去离子水中添加CaCl2可以防止大部分病毒解吸。加入一瓶去离子水,再加入污水,开始使病毒前沿穿过色谱柱,但病毒被重新吸收,流出样品中未检测到。在施用病毒和用去离子水淹没之间,将土壤干燥1天可大大减少脱附,而干燥5天可防止脱附。除非污水处理厂停止使用后的1天之内有大雨,否则,如果次级污水流出物经过250厘米的钙质砂(与我们的实验室色谱柱类似)后,预计病毒会大量减少(99.99%或更多)。适当管理水灾和干旱周期,可最大程度地减少这种病毒的移动。



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