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Urinary growth hormone estimation in diagnosing severe growth hormone deficiency.




Urinary growth hormone was measured in 54 children with short stature who had growth hormone deficiency that was initially diagnosed pharmacologically (arginine and L-dopa) and physiologically (mean growth hormone concentration during sleep evaluated twice). Based on the growth hormone response to pharmacological tests the subjects were subdivided into three groups: group A, 20 subjects with normal response (peak concentration > 8 micrograms/l); group B, 20 subjects with response between 4 and 8 micrograms/l; and group C, 14 subjects with response < 4 micrograms/l. In group A four subjects had an abnormally low nocturnal mean growth hormone concentration (< or = 3.3 micrograms/l). In group C seven subjects had multiple pituitary hormone deficiency and abnormal magnetic resonance imaging. All subjects had urine collected from 8.00 pm to 8.00 am for 4-5 consecutive nights. A positive correlation was found between serum nocturnal mean growth hormone values and urinary growth hormone in all subjects. Mean (SD) concentrations of urinary growth hormone were similar in groups A (18.0 (9.5) ng/g creatinine) and B (13.6 (5.9) ng/g creatinine), but significantly higher than that of group C (3.4 (3.7) ng/g creatinine). Considering as abnormal urinary growth hormones below the lower limit of the range in group A, specificity and sensitivity of urinary growth hormone was 100% and 35% respectively. Sensitivity for groups B and C were 5% and 78% respectively. When considering only the subjects of group C with pathological magnetic resonance findings, sensitivity increased to 100%. In the four subjects of group A with mean growth hormone concentration < or = 3.3 micrograms/l, specificity decreased to 80%. It is concluded that urinary growth hormone assay is characterised by a sensitivity too low to be regarded as improving the traditional diagnostic approach to define growth hormone deficiency, unless it is used to identify subjects with the most severe deficiencies.
机译:对54名身材矮小的儿童进行了尿中生长激素的测定,这些儿童最初是通过药理学(精氨酸和左旋多巴)和生理学(在睡眠中的平均生长激素浓度评估两次)诊断出来的。根据生长激素对药理学的反应,将受试者分为三组:A组,20名反应正常的受试者(峰值浓度> 8微克/升); B组,20名受试者的反应在4至8微克/升之间;和C组,有14位受试者的反应<4微克/升。在A组中,四名受试者的夜间平均生长激素浓度异常低(<或= 3.3微克/升)。在C组中,七名受试者患有多个垂体激素缺乏症和磁共振成像异常。所有受试者从下午8:00到上午8.00连续4-5个晚上收集尿液。在所有受试者中,血清夜间平均生长激素值与尿生长激素之间存在正相关。 A组(18.0(9.5)ng / g肌酐)和B组(13.6(5.9)ng / g肌酐)的尿液生长激素平均(SD)浓度相似,但显着高于C组(3.4(3.7)) ng / g肌酐)。考虑到异常尿生长激素低于A组范围的下限,尿生长激素的特异性和敏感性分别为100%和35%。 B组和C组的敏感度分别为5%和78%。当仅考虑具有病理磁共振结果的C组受试者时,敏感性增加到100%。在平均生长激素浓度≤或等于3.3微克/升的A组的四个受试者中,特异性降低至80%。结论是,尿生长激素测定法的特征在于灵敏度太低,以至于不能将其用于确定生长激素缺乏症的传统诊断方法,除非将其用于鉴定最严重缺陷的受试者。



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