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Transiently Active Wnt/β-Catenin Signaling Is Not Required but Must Be Silenced for Stem Cell Function during Muscle Regeneration

机译:不需要暂时激活的Wnt /β-Catenin信号传导但必须使其在肌肉再生过程中沉默以实现干细胞功能



class="head no_bottom_margin" id="sec1title">IntroductionAdult vertebrate muscle has an exceptional capacity for regeneration, mediated by a dedicated population of muscle stem cells. These muscle stem cells, termed satellite cells, were first identified by their unique anatomical position between the sarcolemma and basement membrane of myofibers (). Subsequently, satellite cells were found to express the transcription factor Pax7 (), and Pax7 is required for their maintenance in adult mice (). Recent genetic labeling and ablation studies in mouse, using Pax7CreER mice, have definitively established that satellite cells are the endogenous stem cells necessary and sufficient for muscle regeneration (). During regeneration, satellite cells activate, proliferate, and give rise to transit-amplifying myoblasts, which differentiate into myocytes that fuse with one another to form multinucleate myofibers. In addition, like other stem cells, satellite cells self-renew.Canonical Wnt/β-catenin signaling is an important regulator of many adult stem cells () and has been proposed to be critical for satellite cells and muscle regeneration. Wnts are secreted glycoproteins that function as ligands, and β-catenin is the central mediator of canonical Wnt signaling (). In the absence of Wnts, β-catenin is phosphorylated and targeted for degradation. The binding of Wnts to their receptors leads to the formation of stabilized, unphosphorylated β-catenin that translocates to the nucleus, where it binds to TCF/LEF proteins and activates transcription of Wnt-responsive genes. Many studies have identified Wnt pathway components as being active during muscle regeneration (). Based largely on gain-of-function, primarily in vitro experiments, multiple labs have proposed that Wnt/β-catenin signaling is essential for muscle regeneration, although the conclusions of these papers are often contradictory (reviewed in ). However, no studies have explicitly examined in vivo whether Wnt/β-catenin signaling is necessary and sufficient specifically within satellite cells and their derivatives for muscle regeneration.In this study, we use a highly sensitive reporter of Wnt/β-catenin signaling (TCF/Lef:H2B-GFPTg; ), as well as a reagent (Pax7CreERT2) that our lab has generated to genetically manipulate satellite cells with high specificity and efficiency (), to test the role of this signaling pathway specifically within satellite cells and their derivatives during muscle regeneration. We find that Wnt/β-catenin signaling is transiently active in myoblasts during regeneration. However, β-catenin is not required cell autonomously for muscle regeneration. Instead, downregulation of transiently activated β-catenin is critical for limiting the regenerative response, as continuous regeneration deleteriously leads to increased fibrosis and an increased number of small myofibers. Thus, surprisingly, we show that it is not activation of Wnt/β-catenin signaling but rather silencing of this activation that is important for muscle regeneration.
机译:<!-fig ft0-> <!-fig @ position =“ anchor” mode =文章f4-> <!-fig mode =“ anchred” f5-> <!-fig / graphic | fig / alternatives / graphic mode =“ anchored” m1-> class =“ head no_bottom_margin” id =“ sec1title”>简介成人脊椎动物肌肉具有特殊的再生能力,这是由专门的肌肉干群介导的细胞。这些肌肉干细胞(称为卫星细胞)首先通过肌纤维膜​​和基底膜之间的独特解剖位置进行鉴定。随后,发现卫星细胞表达转录因子Pax7(),而在成年小鼠中维持其需要Pax7()。最近使用Pax7 CreER 小鼠进行的遗传标记和消融研究已明确确定,卫星细胞是肌肉再生所必需和充分的内源性干细胞()。在再生过程中,卫星细胞激活,增殖并产生转运放大的成肌细胞,后者分化成相互融合的肌细胞形成多核肌纤维。此外,与其他干细胞一样,卫星细胞也会自我更新。经典的Wnt /β-catenin信号传导是许多成年干细胞的重要调节剂(),并被认为对卫星细胞和肌肉再生至关重要。 Wnt是分泌的糖蛋白,起配体的作用,β-catenin是经典Wnt信号传导的中心介体。在没有Wnts的情况下,β-catenin被磷酸化并靶向降解。 Wnts与其受体的结合导致形成稳定的,未磷酸化的β-catenin,该蛋白转位至细胞核,并与TCF / LEF蛋白结合并激活Wnt反应基因的转录。许多研究已经确定Wnt途径的组成成分在肌肉再生过程中是活跃的。主要基于功能获得,主要是在体外实验中,多个实验室提出Wnt /β-catenin信号对于肌肉再生至关重要,尽管这些论文的结论通常是矛盾的(在中进行了综述)。然而,目前尚无明确研究体内是否需要Wnt /β-catenin信号转导,特别是在卫星细胞及其衍生物中是否需要Wnt /β-catenin信号转导来进行肌肉再生。 / Lef:H2B-GFP Tg ;),以及我们实验室产生的以高特异性和高效率遗传操纵卫星细胞的试剂(Pax7 CreERT2 )() ,以测试该信号通路在肌肉再生过程中尤其在卫星细胞及其衍生物中的作用。我们发现Wnt /β-catenin信号在成肌细胞再生过程中是瞬时活跃的。但是,β-catenin并不是肌肉再生所需的细胞。取而代之的是,瞬时活化的β-catenin的下调对于限制再生反应至关重要,因为连续再生有害地导致纤维化增加和小肌纤维数量增加。因此,令人惊讶地,我们表明不是Wnt /β-连环蛋白信号传导的激活而是该激活的沉默对于肌肉再生很重要。



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