首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences >The ‘male escape hypothesis’: sex-biased metamorphosis in response to climatic drivers in a facultatively paedomorphic amphibian

The ‘male escape hypothesis’: sex-biased metamorphosis in response to climatic drivers in a facultatively paedomorphic amphibian




Paedomorphosis is a major evolutionary process that bypasses metamorphosis and allows reproduction in larvae. In newts and salamanders, it can be facultative with paedomorphs retaining gills and metamorphs dispersing. The evolution of these developmental processes is thought to have been driven by the costs and benefits of inhabiting aquatic versus terrestrial habitats. In this context, we aimed at testing the hypothesis that climatic drivers affect phenotypic transition and the difference across sexes because sex-ratio is biased in natural populations. Through a replicated laboratory experiment, we showed that paedomorphic palmate newts (Lissotriton helveticus) metamorphosed at a higher frequency when water availability decreased and metamorphosed earlier when temperature increased in these conditions. All responses were sex-biased, and males were more prone to change phenotype than females. Our work shows how climatic variables can affect facultative paedomorphosis and support theoretical models predicting life on land instead of in water. Moreover, because males metamorphose and leave water more often and earlier than females, these results, for the first time, give an experimental explanation for the rarity of male paedomorphosis (the ‘male escape hypothesis’) and suggest the importance of sex in the evolution of paedomorphosis versus metamorphosis.
机译:Paedomorphosis是一个主要的进化过程,可以绕过变态并允许其在幼虫中繁殖。在new和sal中,它的pa形保留retaining和变质的散布可能是容易的。人们认为这些发展过程的演变是由居住在水生和陆地生境中的成本和收益驱动的。在这种情况下,我们旨在检验以下假设:气候驱动因素会影响表型过渡以及性别之间的差异,因为性别比例在自然人群中是有偏差的。通过重复的实验室实验,我们发现,在这些条件下,水分可用性降低时,古形态的棕榈酸new(Lissotriton helveticus)会以较高的频率变形,而在这些条件下,温度升高时会较早地变形。所有的回答都带有性别偏见,男性比女性更容易改变表型。我们的工作表明气候变量如何影响兼性的古朴形变,并支持预测陆地而非水上生命的理论模型。此外,由于雄性变态并比雌性更频繁,更早地出水,这些结果首次为雄性粉刺的稀有性(“雄性逃逸假说”)提供了实验性解释,并暗示了性别在进化中的重要性。变态与变态的关系。



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