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Investigation of the redox centres of periplasmic selenate reductase from Thauera selenatis by EPR spectroscopy




Periplasmic SER (selenate reductase) from Thauera selenatis is classified as a member of the Tat (twin-arginine translocase)-translocated (Type II) molybdoenzymes and comprises three subunits each containing redox cofactors. Variable-temperature X-band EPR spectra of the purified SER complex showed features attributable to centres [3Fe–4S]1+, [4Fe–4S]1+, Mo(V) and haem-b. EPR-monitored redox-potentiometric titration of the SerABC complex (SerA–SerB–SerC, a hetero-trimetric complex of αβγ subunits) revealed that the [3Fe–4S] cluster (FS4, iron-sulfur cluster 4) titrated as n=1 Nernstian component with a midpoint redox potential (Em) of +118±10 mV for the [3Fe–4S]1+/0 couple. A [4Fe–4S]1+ cluster EPR signal developed over a range of potentials between 300 and −200 mV and was best fitted to two sequential Nernstian n=1 curves with midpoint redox potentials of +183±10 mV (FS1) and −51±10 mV (FS3) for the two [4Fe–4S]1+/2+ cluster couples. Upon further reduction, the observed signal intensity of the [4Fe–4S]1+ cluster decreases. This change in intensity can again be fitted to an n=1 Nernstian component with a midpoint potential (Em) of about −356 mV (FS2). It is considered likely that, at low redox potential (Em less than −300 mV), the remaining oxidized cluster is reduced (spin S=1/2) and strongly spin-couples to a neighbouring [4Fe–4S]1+ cluster rendering both centres EPR-silent. The involvement of both [3Fe–4S] and [4Fe–4S] clusters in electron transfer to the active site of the periplasmic SER was demonstrated by the re-oxidation of the clusters under anaerobic selenate turnover conditions. Attempts to detect a high-spin [4Fe–4S] cluster (FS0) in SerA at low temperature (5 K) and high power (100 mW) were unsuccessful. The Mo(V) EPR recorded at 60 K, in samples poised at pH 6.0, displays principal g values of g3∼1.999, g2∼1.996 and g1∼1.965 (gav 1.9867). The dominant features at g2 and g3 are not split, but hyperfine splitting is observed in the g1 region of the spectrum and can be best simulated as arising from a single proton with a coupling constant of A1 (1H)=1.014 mT. The presence of the haem-b moiety in SerC was demonstrated by the detection of a signal at g∼3.33 and is consistent with haem co-ordinated by methionine and lysine axial ligands. The combined evidence from EPR analysis and sequence alignments supports the assignment of the periplasmic SER as a member of the Type II molybdoenzymes and provides the first spectro-potentiometric insight into an enzyme that catalyses a key reductive reaction in the biogeochemical selenium cycle.
机译:来自Thauera selenatis的周质SER(硒酸还原酶)被归类为Tat(双精氨酸转位酶)易位(II型)钼酶的成员,并包含三个亚基,每个亚基均包含氧化还原辅因子。纯化后的SER复合物的X波段EPR谱图显示的特征归因于中心[3Fe–4S] 1 + ,[4Fe–4S] 1 + ,Mo( V)和haem-b。 EPR监测的SerABC复合物(SerA–SerB–SerC,αβγ亚基的异三体复合物)的氧化还原电位滴定显示[3Fe–4S]簇(FS4,铁硫簇4)的滴定度为n = 1 [3Fe–4S] 1 + / 0 对的Nernstian分量的中点氧化还原电位(Em)为+ 118±10 mV。 [4Fe–4S] 1 + 簇EPR信号在300至-200 mV的电位范围内发展,最适合两条中点氧化还原电位为+ 183±的连续Nernstian n = 1曲线两个[4Fe–4S] 1 + / 2 + 群集对的10 mV(FS1)和−51±10 mV(FS3)。进一步减小后,[4Fe–4S] 1 + 簇的信号强度降低。强度的这种变化可以再次拟合到n = 1的Nernstian分量,其中点电位(Em)约为-356 mV(FS2)。据认为,在低氧化还原电势(Em小于-300 mV)下,剩余的氧化簇可能被还原(自旋S = 1/2)并强烈自旋耦合至相邻的[4Fe–4S] 1 + 群集使两个中心均保持EPR静音。 [3Fe–4S]和[4Fe–4S]团簇都参与电子转移到周质SER的活性位点,这是通过在厌氧硒酸盐转换条件下团簇的再氧化来证明的。尝试在低温(5 K)和高功率(100 mW)下检测SerA中的高旋转[4Fe–4S]簇(FS0)失败。在pH值为6.0的样品中,在60 K下记录的Mo(V)EPR显示的主要g值为g3〜1.999,g2〜1.996和g1〜1.965(gav 1.9867)。 g2和g3的主要特征没有分裂,但是在光谱的 g 1区域观察到了超精细分裂,可以最好地模拟为耦合常数为的单个质子产生A 1( 1 H)= 1.014 mT。通过检测在 g 〜3.33处的信号证明了SerC中haem- b 部分的存在,并且与蛋氨酸和赖氨酸轴向配体协调的haem一致。 EPR分析和序列比对的综合证据支持将周质SER分配为II型钼酶的成员,并提供了对生物催化硒地球生命周期中关键还原反应的酶的第一个分光光度法见解。



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