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On the vapour trail of an atmospheric imprint in insects




Terrestrial arthropods, at constant risk from desiccation, are highly sensitive to atmospheric temperature and humidity. A physiological marker of these abiotic conditions could highlight phenotypic adaptations, indicate niche partitioning, and predict responses to climate change for a group representing three-quarters of the Earth's animal species. We show that the 18O composition of insect haemolymph is such a measure, providing a dynamic and quantitatively predictable signal for respiratory gas exchange and inputs from atmospheric humidity. Using American cockroaches (Periplaneta americana) under defined experimental conditions, we show that insects respiring at low humidity demonstrate the expected enrichment in the 18O composition of haemolymph because of evaporation. At high humidity, however, diffusional influx of atmospheric water vapour into the animal forces haemolymph to become depleted in 18O. Additionally, using cockroaches sampled from natural habitats, we show that the haemolymph 18O signature is transferred to the organic material of the insect's exoskeleton. Insect cuticle, therefore, exhibits the mean atmospheric conditions surrounding the animals prior to moulting. This discovery will help to define the climatic tolerances of species and their habitat preferences, and offers a means of quantifying the balance between niche partitioning and ‘neutral’ processes in shaping complex tropical forest communities.
机译:处于不断干燥风险中的陆生节肢动物对大气温度和湿度高度敏感。这些非生物条件的生理标记可能会突出表型适应性,表明生态位分配,并预测代表地球动物物种四分之三的群体对气候变化的响应。我们证明昆虫血淋巴的 18 O成分是一种这样的措施,它为呼吸气体交换和来自大气湿度的输入提供了动态且可定量预测的信号。使用美洲蟑螂(Periplaneta americana)在确定的实验条件下,我们表明,在低湿度下呼吸的昆虫由于蒸发而表现出了预期的血淋巴 18 O成分的富集。但是,在高湿度下,大气中水蒸气的扩散流入动物体内会迫使血淋巴中的 18 O耗尽。此外,使用从自然栖息地采样的蟑螂,我们证明了血淋巴 18 O的特征转移到了昆虫外骨骼的有机物质中。因此,昆虫表皮在换毛之前表现出围绕动物的平均大气条件。这一发现将有助于确定物种的气候耐受性及其栖息地的喜好,并提供一种量化生态位分配与塑造复杂热带森林群落的“中性”过程之间平衡的方法。



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