首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>The Journal of Neuroscience >Implantation of AtT-20 or genetically modified AtT-20/hENK cells in mouse spinal cord induced antinociception and opioid tolerance

Implantation of AtT-20 or genetically modified AtT-20/hENK cells in mouse spinal cord induced antinociception and opioid tolerance

机译:在小鼠脊髓中植入AtT-20或基因修饰的AtT-20 / hENK细胞诱导抗伤害感受和阿片样物质耐受



AtT-20 cells, which make and release beta-endorphin, or AtT-20/hENK cells, an AtT-20 cell line transfected with the human proenkephalin gene and secreting enkephalin as well as presumably beta-endorphin, were implanted in mouse spinal subarachnoid space. Cell implants did not affect the basal response to thermal nociceptive stimuli. Administration of isoproterenol, believed to stimulate secretion from these cells, produced antinociception in groups receiving AtT-20 or AtT- 20/hENK cell implants but not in control groups receiving no cells. The antinociceptive effect of isoproterenol was dose related and could be blocked by the opioid antagonist naloxone. Implantation of these cells offers a novel approach for the study of tolerance. Mice receiving AtT- 20 cell implants developed tolerance to beta-endorphin and the mu- opioid agonist DAMGO, whereas mice receiving genetically modified AtT- 20/hENK cell implants developed tolerance to the delta-opioid agonist DPDPE. Genetically modified AtT-20/hENK cell implants, but not AtT-20 cell implants, reduced the development of acute morphine tolerance in the host mice. This finding is consistent with the suggestion that enkephalin alters development of opioid tolerance. These results suggest that opioid-releasing cells implanted around mouse spinal cord can produce antinociception and may provide an alternative therapy for chronic intractable pain.
机译:将制造并释放β-内啡肽的AtT-20细胞或AtT-20 / hENK细胞(一种转染了人脑啡肽原基因并分泌脑啡肽以及大概是β-内啡肽的AtT-20细胞系)植入小鼠脊髓蛛网膜下腔空间。细胞植入物不影响对热伤害感受刺激的基础反应。据信会刺激这些细胞分泌的异丙肾上腺素,在接受AtT-20或AtT-20 / hENK细胞植入物的组中产生了抗伤害感受,但在不接受细胞的对照组中则没有。异丙肾上腺素的镇痛作用与剂量有关,并可能被阿片拮抗剂纳洛酮所阻断。这些细胞的植入提供了一种新的耐受性研究方法。接受AtT-20细胞植入物的小鼠对β-内啡肽和类阿片激动剂DAMGO产生耐受性,而接受基因修饰的AtT-20 / hENK细胞植入物的小鼠对δ-阿片类激动剂DPDPE具有耐受性。转基因的AtT-20 / hENK细胞植入物而非AtT-20细胞植入物减少了宿主小鼠急性吗啡耐受性的发展。该发现与脑啡肽改变阿片样物质耐受性发展的建议一致。这些结果表明,植入在小鼠脊髓周围的阿片样物质释放细胞可以产生抗伤害作用,并可能为慢性顽固性疼痛提供替代疗法。



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