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Primary Events Energy Transfer and Reactions in Photosynthetic Events: Lifetime of the Excited State In Vivo




Lifetime of the excited state (τ) of bacteriochlorophyll (BChl) in photosynthetic bacteria, measured with a mode-locked argon laser (oscillating at 488 nm; mode locked at 56 MHz) as light source, ranged from 0.3 to 2.5 nsec. These τ values are reported with a precision of ±0.1 nsec. The value of τ at high exciting light intensity (I) was two to three times that at low intensity. For young cultures of green bacterium Chloropseudomonas ethylicum, τ ranged from 0.5 (low I) to 1.0 nsec (high I); for those of the purple bacterium Rhodospirillum rubrum, from 0.4 (low I) to 1.0 nsec (high I); and for those of the BChl b-containing Rhodopseudomonas viridis, from 1.0 (low I) to 2.5 nsec (high I). These data provide information regarding the efficiencies of the photochemical process in these bacteria. Quantum yield (ø) of BChl fluorescence, calculated from ø = τ/τ0 (where τ0 is the intrinsic lifetime of fluorescence), ranges from 2-6% at low intensities to 6-14% at high intensities.
机译:光合细菌中细菌叶绿素(BChl)的激发态(τ)的寿命,以锁模氩激光(在488 nm处振荡;锁模在56 MHz时)作为光源测量,范围为0.3到2.5纳秒。报告这些τ值的精度为±0.1纳秒。高激发光强度(I)时的τ值是低强度时的2-3倍。对于绿色细菌克氏假单胞菌的年轻培养物,τ范围从0.5(低I)到1.0纳秒(高I);对于紫色细菌Rhodospirillum rubrum,从0.4(低I)到1.0 ns(高I);对于含有BChl b的绿假单胞菌,则为1.0(低I)至2.5纳秒(高I)。这些数据提供了有关这些细菌中光化学过程效率的信息。由ø=τ/τ0(其中τ0是荧光的固有寿命)计算得出的BChl荧光的量子产率(ø)在低强度时为2-6%,在高强度时为6-14%。



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