首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Bosnian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences >The clinical characteristics and surgical approach of scar endometriosis: A case series of 14 women

The clinical characteristics and surgical approach of scar endometriosis: A case series of 14 women




Scar endometriosis, also referred to as abdominal wall endometriosis (AWE), is a rare form of endometriosis that usually develops in the scar after obstetric or gynecological surgeries, including cesarean section (CS). Recently, the occurrence of scar endometriosis has been increasing together with the increase of CS incidence. Scar endometriosis can be clinically misdiagnosed as hernia, lipoma, or hematoma. Here we retrospectively analyzed the clinical aspects of scar endometriosis and surgical approach in 14 patients from a tertiary hospital, who were treated by surgery, between 2012 and 2017. The mean age was 32.71 ± 8.61 years (range: 19–45). Palpable mass and cyclic pain at the scar site were the most common complaints. Twelve patients had previously undergone CS, and two patients had undergone a surgery of ovarian endometrioma. The preoperative diagnosis was determined with ultrasonography (US), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), or computed tomography (CT). Preoperatively, scar endometriosis was diagnosed in 12/14 patients (85.7%), while 2 patients (14.3%) were diagnosed with inguinal hernia. The treatment was surgical excision in all patients; in addition, mesh repair surgery was performed in 1 patient with recurrent scar endometriosis. Postoperatively, endometriosis was confirmed by histology in all patients. The average size of endometriomas was 24.71 ± 6.67 mm (range: 11–35). No woman had concurrent pelvic endometriosis. In the follow-up period (mean: 9 months) the recurrence of endometriosis was not observed. Scar endometriosis should be considered in all women of reproductive age presenting with cyclic pain and swelling in their abdominal incision sites.
机译:疤痕子宫内膜异位症,也称为腹壁子宫内膜异位症(AWE),是一种罕见的子宫内膜异位症,通常在包括剖宫产(CS)在内的妇产科或妇科手术后的疤痕中发展。近来,疤痕子宫内膜异位症的发生与CS发生率的增加一起增加。瘢痕子宫内膜异位症在临床上可被误诊为疝气,脂肪瘤或血肿。在这里,我们回顾性分析了2012年至2017年间来自一家三级医院接受手术治疗的14例患者的瘢痕子宫内膜异位症的临床情况和手术方法。平均年龄为32.71±8.61岁(范围:19-45岁)。疤痕部位明显的肿块和周期性疼痛是最常见的不适。十二名患者先前曾接受过CS,两名患者接受了卵巢子宫内膜瘤手术。术前诊断是通过超声检查(US),磁共振成像(MRI)或计算机断层扫描(CT)确定的。术前诊断为瘢痕子宫内膜异位的患者为12/14(85.7%),而诊断为腹股沟疝的患者为2(14.3%)。所有患者均采用手术切除治疗。此外,对1例复发性瘢痕子宫内膜异位症患者进行了网状修复手术。术后,所有患者均通过组织学证实子宫内膜异位。子宫内膜瘤的平均大小为24.71±6.67 mm(范围:11–35)。没有女人并发盆腔子宫内膜异位。在随访期(平均9个月),未观察到子宫内膜异位症的复发。在所有具有周期性疼痛和腹部切口部位肿胀的育龄妇女中,均应考虑瘢痕子宫内膜异位症。



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