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A conductive pathway generated from fragments of the human red cell anion exchanger AE1




Human red cell anion exchanger AE1 (band 3) is an electroneutral Cl–HCO3 exchanger with 12–14 transmembrane spans (TMs). Previous work using Xenopus oocytes has shown that two co-expressed fragments of AE1 lacking TMs 6 and 7 are capable of forming a stilbene disulphonate-sensitive 36Cl-influx pathway, reminiscent of intact AE1. In the present study, we create a single construct, AE1Δ(6: 7), representing the intact protein lacking TMs 6 and 7. We expressed this construct in Xenopus oocytes and evaluated it employing a combination of two-electrode voltage clamp and pH-sensitive microelectrodes. We found that, whereas AE1Δ(6: 7) has some electroneutral Cl–base exchange activity, the protein also forms a novel anion-conductive pathway that is blocked by DIDS. The mutation Lys539Ala at the covalent DIDS-reaction site of AE1 reduced the DIDS sensitivity, demonstrating that (1) the conductive pathway is intrinsic to AE1Δ(6: 7) and (2) the conductive pathway has some commonality with the electroneutral anion-exchange pathway. The conductance has an anion-permeability sequence: NO3 ≈ I > NO2 > Br > Cl > SO42− ≈ HCO3 ≈ gluconate ≈ aspartate ≈ cyclamate. It may also have a limited permeability to Na+ and the zwitterion taurine. Although this conductive pathway is not a usual feature of intact mammalian AE1, it shares many properties with the anion-conductive pathways intrinsic to two other Cl–HCO3 exchangers, trout AE1 and mammalian SLC26A7.
机译:人类红细胞阴离子交换剂AE1(谱带3)是具有12-14个跨膜跨度(TM)的电子中性Cl–HCO3 -交换剂。以前使用非洲爪蟾卵母细胞的工作表明,缺少TM 6和7的两个共表达的AE1片段能够形成二苯乙烯二磺酸盐敏感的 36 Cl-流入途径,让人想起完整的AE1。在本研究中,我们创建了一个单一的构建体AE1Δ(6:7),代表缺少TMs 6和7的完整蛋白。我们在非洲爪蟾卵母细胞中表达了该构建体,并结合使用了两电极电压钳和pH-敏感的微电极。我们发现,虽然AE1Δ(6:7)具有一定的电子中性Cl碱交换活性,但该蛋白质还形成了被DIDS阻断的新型阴离子传导途径。 AE1的共价DIDS反应位点处的Lys539Ala突变降低了DIDS的灵敏度,表明(1)导电途径是AE1Δ固有的(6:7)和(2)导电途径与电子中性阴离子交换有一些共性途径。电导具有一个阴离子渗透序列:NO3 -≈I ---- 2-≈HCO3 -≈葡萄糖酸盐-≈天冬氨酸-≈甜蜜素-。它对Na + 和两性离子牛磺酸的渗透性也可能有限。尽管这种传导途径不是完整的哺乳动物AE1的通常特征,但它与其他两个Cl–HCO3 -交换子,鳟鱼AE1和哺乳动物SLC26A7固有的阴离子传导途径具有许多特性。



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