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In vivo temporal and spatial distribution of depolarization and repolarization and the illusive murine T wave




This study assessed in vivo temporal and spatial electrophysiological properties of murine hearts and the effect of manipulation of transmural action potential durations (APDs) on T wave morphology. Monophasic action potentials (MAPs) were acquired from multiple left ventricular sites. All MAPs exhibited a plateau phase, with a spike and dome appearance being present in epicardial recordings. Activation occurred from endocardial apex to epicardial apex and apex to base while repolarization occurred from base (shortest 90 η0 level of repolarization (MAP90), 95.4 ± 8.9 ms) to apex and epicardium to endocardium (longest MAP90, 110.77 ± 10.6 ms). The peak of phase 0 of the epicardial base MAP correlated with the return to baseline of the initial and usually dominant waveform of the QRS and the onset of the second usually smaller wave, which clearly occurred in early repolarization, thus establishing where depolarization ended and repolarization began on the murine ECG. This second waveform was similar to the J wave seen in larger animals. Despite temporal and spatial electrophysiological similarities, a T wave is frequently not seen on a murine ECG. There are several determinants of T wave morphology, including transmural activation time, slope of phase 3 repolarization and differences in epicardial, endocardial and M cell APDs. Experimental manipulation of murine transmural gradients by shortening epicardial MAP90 to 84% of endocardial MAP90 the epicardial/endocardial ratio in larger mammals when a positive T wave is present, resulted in a positive murine T wave. Thus, manipulation of the transmural gradients such that they are similar to larger mammals can result in T waves with similar morphology.
机译:这项研究评估了小鼠心脏的体内时间和空间电生理特性以及对T波形态的跨壁动作电位持续时间(APDs)操纵的影响。从多个左心室部位获得单相动作电位(MAPs)。所有MAP均表现出平稳期,心外膜记录中出现尖峰和圆顶外观。激活发生于心内膜心尖至心外膜心尖,再到心尖至基端,而复极发生从基极(最短的90η0复极水平(MAP90),95.4±8.9 ms)到心尖和心外膜到心内膜(最长MAP90,110.77±10.6 ms)。心外膜基础MAP的0期峰值与QRS的初始和通常占优势的波形返回基线以及第二个通常较小的波的发作相关,这显然发生在早期复极化中,从而确定了复极化终止和复极化的位置开始对鼠心电图进行研究。第二个波形类似于在较大动物中看到的J波。尽管在时间和空间上电生理学相似,但在鼠心电图上通常看不到T波。 T波形态有几个决定因素,包括跨壁激活时间,3期复极化的斜率以及心外膜,心内膜和M细胞APD的差异。当存在阳性T波时,通过将心外膜MAP90缩短至心内膜MAP /心内膜比的心内膜MAP90的84%来对鼠的透壁梯度进行实验操作,会导致鼠T波为阳性。因此,对跨壁梯度进行控制以使其类似于较大的哺乳动物会导致T波具有相似的形态。



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