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Sustained contractions produced by plateau-like behaviour in human motoneurones




Electrical stimulation over human muscle can generate force directly by activation of motor axons and indirectly by ‘reflex’ recruitment of spinal motoneurones. These experiments were designed to define the properties of the centrally generated ‘reflex’ force, including the optimal stimulus conditions for producing it in tibialis anterior (TA) and triceps surae (TS), and its interaction with volition. Subjects (n = 21) were seated with their foot strapped to an isometric myograph. Surface EMG was recorded from TS and TA. High-frequency electrical stimulation (100 Hz) of TS and TA with wide pulse widths (1 ms) was most effective to evoke the sustained centrally generated forces. The maximal force evoked by this mechanism during stimulation of TA for 40 s was ∼42 % of that produced by a maximal voluntary contraction. For both muscle groups, ramp increases and decreases in stimulus frequency (from ∼4 to 100 Hz and back to 4 Hz over 6 s) resulted in marked hysteresis in the force-frequency plot. After a single ‘burst’ of 100 Hz stimulation during prolonged stimulation at 25 Hz, force remained elevated. Repeated bursts often generated progressively larger force increments. These behaviours were abolished by an anaesthetic nerve block proximal to the stimulation site, confirming the central origin for the ‘extra’ force. After a brief voluntary contraction was performed during 25 Hz stimulation, force remained elevated, and this showed some gradation with voluntary contraction amplitude. Sometimes voluntary contractions alone initiated the sustained central motor output. Involuntary contractions often persisted for many seconds after electrical stimulation ceased. These were not terminated by brief inhibitory inputs to the active motoneurones but could be stopped by the voluntary command to ‘relax completely’. Overall, these centrally generated contractions are consistent with activation of plateau potentials in motoneurones innervating the ankle dorsiflexors and plantarflexors. Large forces can be produced through this mechanism. The interaction with volitional drives suggests that plateau behaviour may contribute significantly to the normal output of human motoneurones.
机译:对人体肌肉的电刺激可以直接通过激活运动轴突产生力,也可以通过“反射”募集脊髓运动神经元间接产生力。这些实验旨在定义中央产生的“反射”力的特性,包括在胫骨前(TA)和肱三头肌(TS)中产生该反射力的最佳刺激条件,以及其与意志的相互作用。受试者(n = 21)坐着,脚绑在等轴测肌图上。表面肌电图由TS和TA记录。 TS和TA的高频电刺激(100 Hz)具有较宽的脉冲宽度(1 ms),最能唤起持续的中央产生的力。在TA刺激40 s时,此机制引起的最大力约为最大自发收缩力的42%。对于两个肌肉群,斜率增加和减少的刺激频率(在6 s内从约4到100 Hz,然后回到4 Hz)导致力-频率图中明显的滞后。在25 Hz的长时间刺激过程中,一次100 Hz的“爆发”刺激之后,力量仍然升高。重复爆发通常会产生逐渐增大的力增量。刺激部位附近的麻醉神经阻滞消除了这些行为,从而确定了“额外”作用力的中心起源。在25 Hz刺激期间进行了短暂的自愿收缩后,力量仍然升高,并且显示出一些具有自愿收缩幅度的渐变。有时,仅靠自发性收缩就能引起持续的中央运动输出。电刺激停止后,非自愿收缩通常持续数秒钟。这些并不会因对活动的运动神经元的短暂抑制输入而终止,但可以由自愿“完全放松”的命令制止。总体而言,这些中央产生的收缩与支配踝背屈肌和足屈肌的运动神经元中平台电位的激活是一致的。通过这种机制可以产生很大的力。与自主驱动力的相互作用表明高原行为可能对人类运动神经元的正常输出做出重大贡献。



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