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Properties of mEPSCs recorded in layer II neurones of rat barrel cortex




Voltage-clamp recordings from layer II neurones in somatosensory cortex of rats aged between 12 and 17 days showed a high frequency of spontaneous postsynaptic currents (sPSCs), which on average was 33 ± 13 Hz (s.d.). sPSCs were mediated largely by glutamatergic AMPA receptors. Their rates and amplitudes were independent of blocking sodium channels with 1 μm tetrodotoxin (TTX). Most of them, therefore, represent genuine miniature excitatory postsynaptic currents (mEPSCs). The rise time of the fastest (10 %) mEPSCs was 288 ± 86 μs (10-90 %) and the half-width was 1073 ± 532 μs. The amplitude was −5.9 ± 1.1 pA with a coefficient of variation (CV) of 0.44 ± 0.14. The rate of mEPSCs was very temperature sensitive with a Q10 (33-37 °C) of 8.9 ± 0.9. Due to this temperature sensitivity, we estimated that the microscope lamp contributed an increase in temperature of about 4 °C to the tissue in the focal volume of the condenser. Cell-type differences in the rate of mEPSCs were found between pyramidal/multipolar and bipolar cells. The latter had a frequency of about a third of that seen in the other cell groups. Recordings in layer II are ideally suited to investigate mechanisms of spontaneous transmitter release.
机译:年龄在12至17天之间的大鼠体感皮层II层神经元的电压钳记录显示自发突触后电流(sPSC)的频率很高,平均为33±13 Hz(s.d.)。 sPSCs主要由谷氨酸能AMPA受体介导。它们的速率和幅度与1μm河豚毒素(TTX)阻断钠通道无关。因此,它们中的大多数代表真正的微型兴奋性突触后电流(mEPSC)。最快的(10%)mEPSC的上升时间为288±86μs(10-90%),半峰宽为1073±532μs。幅度为-5.9±1.1 pA,变异系数(CV)为0.44±0.14。 mEPSC的速率对温度非常敏感,Q10(33-37°C)为8.9±0.9。由于这种温度敏感性,我们估计显微镜灯使聚光镜的焦点体积中的组织温度升高了约4°C。在锥体/多极和双极细胞之间发现了mEPSC发生率的细胞类型差异。后者的频率约为其他电池组中频率的三分之一。第II层中的记录非常适合研究自发发射器释放的机制。



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