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Expression of volume-sensitive Cl− channels and ClC-3 in acinar cells isolated from the rat lacrimal gland and submandibular salivary gland




class="enumerated" style="list-style-type:decimal">The expression of ClC-3 was examined in rat lacrimal gland and submandibular salivary gland cells using RT-PCR and Western analysis. Whole-cell patch clamp methods were used to investigate the expression of volume-sensitive anion channels in acinar cells isolated from these tissues.Expression of mRNA encoding ClC-3, and ClC-3 protein, was found in rat submandibular gland by RT-PCR and Western analysis. Rat lacrimal gland cells, however, did not appear to express mRNA encoding for ClC-3, nor the ClC-3 protein.Volume-sensitive anion conductances were observed in both rat lacrimal gland and submandibular salivary gland acinar cells. The conductance was of a similar size in the two cell types, but was much slower to activate in the lacrimal cells.The properties of the conductances in lacrimal and submandibular cells were similar, e.g. halide selectivity sequence (PI > PCl > Paspartate) and inhibition by 4,4′-diisothiocyanostilbene-2,2′-disulphonic acid, 5-nitro-2-(3-phenylpropylamino)-benzoate and tamoxifen.The data suggest that the expression of ClC-3 is not an absolute requirement for the activity of volume-sensitive anion channels in rat lacrimal gland acinar cells.
机译:class =“ enumerated” style =“ list-style-type:decimal”> <!-list-behavior =枚举前缀-word = mark-type = decimal max-label-size = 0-> 使用RT-PCR和Western分析检查ClC-3在大鼠泪腺和颌下唾液腺细胞中的表达。用全细胞膜片钳方法研究了在这些组织分离的腺泡细胞中体积敏感阴离子通道的表达。 在编码ClC-3和ClC-3蛋白的mRNA中表达RT-PCR和Western分析观察大鼠下颌下腺。然而,大鼠泪腺细胞似乎没有表达编码ClC-3的mRNA,也不表达ClC-3蛋白。 在大鼠泪腺和颌下唾液腺腺泡中均观察到了体积敏感的阴离子电导。细胞。在这两种细胞类型中,电导的大小相似,但是在泪腺细胞中激活的速度要慢得多。 在泪腺和下颌下腺细胞中,电导的性质相似。卤化物的选择性序列(PI> PCl>帕斯巴酸酯),并被4,4'-二异硫氰基茂铁-2,2'-二磺酸,5-硝基-2-(3-苯基丙基氨基)-苯甲酸酯和他莫昔芬抑制。
  • 数据表明,ClC-3的表达并不是对大鼠泪腺腺泡细胞中体积敏感阴离子通道活性的绝对要求。
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