首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>The Journal of Physiology >Effects of arachidonic acid on unitary calcium currents in rat sympathetic neurons

Effects of arachidonic acid on unitary calcium currents in rat sympathetic neurons




class="enumerated" style="list-style-type:decimal">We have characterized the actions of arachidonic acid (AA) on whole cell and unitary calcium (Ca2+) currents in rat neonatal superior cervical ganglion (SCG) neurons using barium (Ba2+) as the charge carrier.Whole cell currents were elicited by stepping the membrane potential from −90 mV to +10 mV. Arachidonic acid (5 μm) was introduced into the bath in the continued presence of 1 μm (+)-202-791, an L-type Ca2+ channel agonist. Under these conditions, the peak current, comprised mainly of N-type current, and a slow, (+)-202-791-induced component of the tail current were inhibited by 67 ± 6 and 60 ± 10%, respectively, indicating that AA inhibits both N- and L-type currents.At a test potential of +30 mV, AA (5 μm) decreased unitary L- and N-type Ca2+ channel open probability (Po) in cell-attached patches that contained a single channel. For both channels, the underlying causes of the decrease in Po were similar. Arachidonic acid caused an increase in the percentage of null sweeps and in the number of null sweeps that clustered together. In sweeps with activity, the average number of openings per sweep decreased, while first latency and mean closed time increased. Arachidonic acid had no significant effect on unitary current amplitude or mean open time.Our findings are the first description of the inhibition of unitary L- and N-type Ca2+ channel activity by AA and are consistent with both channels spending more time in their null mode and with increased dwell time in one or more closed states.
机译:class =“ enumerated” style =“ list-style-type:decimal”> <!-list-behavior =枚举前缀-word = mark-type = decimal max-label-size = 0-> 我们已经表征了花生四烯酸(AA)对使用钡(Ba 2+ < / sup>)作为电荷载体。 通过将膜电位从-90 mV步进到+10 mV,引起整个电池电流。在连续存在1μm(+)-202-791(一种L型Ca 2 + 通道激动剂)的情况下,将花生四烯酸(5μm)引入浴中。在这些条件下,主要由N型电流组成的峰值电流和缓慢的(+)-202-791感应的尾电流分量分别被抑制67±6%和60±10%,这表明AA抑制N型和L型电流。 在+30 mV的测试电势下,AA(5μm)降低了单一的L型和N型Ca 2 + 包含单个通道的单元格贴片中的通道打开概率(Po)。对于这两个通道,Po降低的根本原因是相似的。花生四烯酸导致无效扫描的百分比和聚集在一起的无效扫描的数量增加。在具有活动的扫描中,每次扫描的平均打开次数减少,而第一次等待时间和平均关闭时间增加。花生四烯酸对单位电流幅度或平均开路时间无明显影响。 我们的发现是对抑制单一的L型和N型Ca 2 + 通道的首次描述。 AA的活动,并且与两个频道在其空模式下花费更多的时间以及在一个或多个关闭状态下增加的停留时间相一致。



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