首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>The Journal of Physiology >Function of skeletal muscle tissue formed after myoblast transplantation into irradiated mouse muscles

Function of skeletal muscle tissue formed after myoblast transplantation into irradiated mouse muscles




class="enumerated" style="list-style-type:decimal">Pretreatment of muscles with ionising radiation enhances tissue formation by transplanted myoblasts but little is known about the effects on muscle function. We implanted myoblasts from an expanded, male-donor-derived, culture (i28) into X-ray irradiated (16 Gy) or irradiated and damaged soleus muscles of female syngeneic mice (Balb/c). Three to 6 months later the isometric contractile properties of the muscles were studied in vitro, and donor nuclei were visualised in muscle sections with a Y chromosome-specific DNA probe.Irradiated sham-injected muscles had smaller masses than untreated solei and produced less twitch and tetanic force (all by about 18 %). Injection of 106 myoblasts abolished these deficiencies and innervation appeared normal.Cryodamage of irradiated solei produced muscle remnants with few (1–50) or no fibres. Additional myoblast implantation led to formation of large muscles (25 % above normal) containing numerous small-diameter fibres. Upon direct electrical stimulation, these muscles produced considerable twitch (53 % of normal) and tetanic forces (35 % of normal) but innervation was insufficient as indicated by weak nerve-evoked contractions and elevated ACh sensitivity.In control experiments on irradiated muscles, reinnervation was found to be less complete after botulinum toxin paralysis than after nerve crush indicating that proliferative arrest of irradiated Schwann cells may account for the observed innervation deficits.Irradiation appears to be an effective pretreatment for improving myoblast transplantation. The injected cells can even produce organised contractile tissue replacing whole muscle. However, impaired nerve regeneration limits the functional performance of the new muscle.
机译:class =“ enumerated” style =“ list-style-type:decimal”> <!-list-behavior =枚举前缀-word = mark-type = decimal max-label-size = 0-> 用电离辐射对肌肉进行预处理会增强成肌细胞的移植,但对肌肉功能的影响知之甚少。我们将来自扩大的,雄性供体来源的培养物(i28)的成肌细胞植入X射线照射(16 Gy)或雌性同系小鼠(Balb / c)的比目鱼肌的照射和受损。 3到6个月后,在体外研究了肌肉的等轴收缩特性,并使用Y染色体特异性DNA探针在肌肉切片中观察到了供体核。 经假注射的辐照肌肉质量小于未经处理的比目鱼肌,产生的抽搐和强直作用力较小(均减少了约18%)。注射10 6 成肌细胞消除了这些缺陷,神经支配似乎正常。 受辐照的比目鱼的冰冻损伤产生的肌肉残留物很少(1–50)或没有纤维。额外的成肌细胞植入导致形成包含许多小直径纤维的大肌肉(比正常高25%)。在直接电刺激下,这些肌肉产生相当大的抽搐(正常肌的53%)和强直力量(正常肌的35%),但神经弱诱发的收缩和ACh敏感性升高表明神经支配不足。 In在辐照肌肉的对照实验中,发现肉毒杆菌麻痹后的神经支配不如神经压迫后完全支配,这表明辐照的雪旺细胞的增殖停滞可能是观察到的神经支配缺陷的原因。 辐照似乎是一种有效的方法。改善成肌细胞移植的预处理。注入的细胞甚至可以产生有组织的收缩组织来代替整个肌肉。但是,神经再生受损会限制新肌肉的功能。



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