首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>The British Journal of Ophthalmology >The Auckland Cataract Study: 2 year postoperative assessment of aspects of clinical visual corneal topographic and satisfaction outcomes

The Auckland Cataract Study: 2 year postoperative assessment of aspects of clinical visual corneal topographic and satisfaction outcomes




>Aim: To assess clinical, visual, computerised corneal topographic, and subjective satisfaction with visual acuity, in a cohort of subjects 2 years after phacoemulsification surgery in a public hospital in New Zealand.>Methods: Prospective study of a representative sample of 97 subjects (20%) randomly selected from 480 subjects in the original Auckland Cataract Study (ACS) cohort. The clinical assessment protocol was identical to the ACS and included an extensive questionnaire to enable direct comparisons to be made between the two groups.>Results: The study population was predominantly female (66%) with a mean age of 76.3 (SD 9.9) years. New systemic and ocular disease affected 18.4% and 10.3% of subjects respectively, and 10.3% required referral to either a general practitioner (2.1%) or ophthalmologist (8.2%). Mean best spectacle corrected visual acuity (BSCVA) was 0.2 (0.2) logMAR units (6/9 Snellen equivalent), with mean spherical equivalent −0.37 (1.01) dioptres (D) and astigmatism −1.07 (0.70) D 2 years postoperatively, compared to mean BSCVA 0.1 (0.2) logMAR units (6/7.5 Snellen equivalent), spherical equivalent −0.59 (1.07) D, and astigmatism −1.14 (0.77) D 4 weeks after surgery. 94.9% of subjects retained a BSCVA of 6/12 or better, irrespective of pre-existing ocular disease. The overall posterior capsule opacification (PCO) rate was 20.4% and this was visually insignificant in all but 3.1% of eyes that had already undergone Nd:YAG posterior capsulotomy. Orbscan II elevation technology demonstrated corneal stability 2 years after uncomplicated phacoemulsification. Although corneal astigmatism was eliminated in approximately half of the subjects 1 month postoperatively, astigmatism showed a tendency to regress towards the preoperative level with local corneal thickening at the site of incision 2 years after cataract surgery. Of fellow eyes, 61.2% had undergone cataract surgery. Overall, 75.3% of subjects were moderately to very satisfied with their current level of visual acuity.>Conclusion: Two years after cataract surgery subjects are generally satisfied with their current level of vision and distance BSCVA is 6/12 or better in the majority of eyes. Although only a minority of eyes develop sufficient PCO to require capsulotomy 10.3% of eyes develop new vision threatening ocular pathology.
机译:>目标:在新西兰一家公立医院进行超声乳化手术2年后,对一组受试者的临床,视觉,计算机角膜地形图和主观满意度进行评估。>方法:< / strong>对从原始奥克兰白内障研究(ACS)队列中的480名受试者中随机选择的97名受试者(20%)的代表性样本进行的前瞻性研究。临床评估方案与ACS相同,并包括一份广泛的问卷调查表,以便可以在两组之间进行直接比较。>结果:研究人群主要为女性(66%),平均年龄为76.3(SD 9.9)年。新的全身性和眼部疾病分别影响了18.4%和10.3%的受试者,而10.3%的患者需要转诊给全科医生(2.1%)或眼科医生(8.2%)。术后2年的平均最佳眼镜矫正视力(BSCVA)为0.2(0.2)logMAR单位(6/9 Snellen当量),平均球面屈光度为-0.37(1.01)屈光度(D),散光为-1.07(0.70)D表示手术后4周的BSCVA 0.1(0.2)logMAR单位(6 / 7.5 Snellen当量),球形当量-0.59(1.07)D和散光-1.14(0.77)D。 94.9%的受试者保留了6/12或更高的BSCVA,与先前存在的眼部疾病无关。整个后囊混浊(PCO)率为20.4%,除3.1%的已进行Nd:YAG后囊切开术的眼睛外,在所有其他人中,这在视觉上均无关紧要。单纯超声乳化术后2年,Orbscan II高程技术证明了角膜的稳定性。尽管术后1个月左右的受试者中约有一半消除了角膜散光,但散光显示白内障手术2年后切口处局部角膜增厚,趋向于回归术前水平。在同一个眼睛中,有61.2%接受了白内障手术。总体而言,有75.3%的受试者对他们目前的视力水平感到中度到非常满意。>结论:白内障手术后两年,受试者对他们目前的视力水平和距离普遍感到满意BSCVA为6/12或大多数人认为更好。尽管只有极少数的眼睛发展出足够的PCO,需要进行切囊切开术,但仍有10.3%的眼睛发展出威胁视力的新视力。



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