首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>The British Journal of Ophthalmology >The Endophthalmitis Population Study of Western Australia (EPSWA): first report

The Endophthalmitis Population Study of Western Australia (EPSWA): first report




>Background/aim: Over the period of 19 years to 1999, cataract surgery numbers increased 6% per annum in Western Australia (WA), promoted by the convenience, efficacy, and general safety of outpatient phacoemulsification surgery. Although endophthalmitis is an uncommon complication, it is a major cause of post-cataract surgery blindness. The present population study investigates not only the prevalence of endophthalmitis but provides an accurate incidence of endophthalmitis in WA over the same period.>Methods: Using the hospital morbidity data system (HMDS) of the WA Record Linkage Project, and cross validating against three independent databases (anaesthetic and microbiological databases and surgeons’ logbooks) the authors examined 698 case notes that were potentially cases of endophthalmitis for the period 1980 to June 1999. As the database linkage was incomplete for 1999, only the 188 confirmed cases to 1998 were included in the present study. Additional case note validation was performed to confirm the correct codes for the cataract surgical procedure.>Results: Despite changes in surgical technique and prophylaxis over the study period of 19 years, the incidence of endophthalmitis remained largely unchanged, averaging one in 500 surgical cases overall. However, the incidence fluctuated over time and varied with the location of surgery ranging from 0.65 per 1000 operations to 16.4 per 1000 operations.>Conclusion: These data highlight previously undescribed temporal and geographic variations in the incidence of endophthalmitis. It is uncertain whether the wide variation in prophylactic practices throughout the ophthalmic community has any bearing on the incidence of endophthalmitis.
机译:>背景/目的:在门诊超声乳化手术的便利性,有效性和一般安全性的推动下,西澳大利亚州(WA)的白内障手术每年以6%的速度增长。尽管眼内炎是一种罕见的并发症,但它是白内障术后失明的主要原因。当前的人群研究不仅调查了眼内炎的患病率,而且还提供了同期WA中眼内炎的准确发病率。>方法:使用WA Record Linkage项目的医院发病数据系统(HMDS),并针对三个独立的数据库(麻醉学和微生物学数据库以及外科医生的日志)进行交叉验证,作者检查了698例病例注释,这些病例在1980年至1999年6月期间可能是眼内炎的病例。由于1999年的数据库链接不完整,因此只有188例确诊本研究纳入1998年以前的病例。 >结果:尽管在19年的研究期间手术技术和预防措施发生了变化,但眼内炎的发生率基本上没有变化,平均总共有500例手术病例中的1例。但是,发病率随时间波动,并且随着手术地点的不同而变化,范围从每1000例手术0.65到每1000例手术16.4。尚不确定整个眼科社区的预防措施的广泛变化是否与眼内炎的发生有关。



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