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The Bhaktapur eye study: ocular trauma and antibiotic prophylaxis for the prevention of corneal ulceration in Nepal




AIMS—To determine the incidence of ocular trauma and corneal ulceration in the district of Bhaktapur in Kathmandu Valley, and to determine whether or not topical antibiotic prophylaxis can prevent the development of ulceration after corneal abrasion.
METHODS—A defined population of 34 902 individuals was closely followed prospectively for 2 years by 81 primary eye care workers who referred all cases of ocular trauma and/or infection to one of the three local secondary eye study centres in Bhaktapur for examination, treatment, and follow up by an ophthalmologist. All cases of ocular trauma were documented and treated at the centres. Individuals with corneal abrasion confirmed by clinical examination who presented within 48 hours of the injury without signs of corneal infection were enrolled in the study and treated with 1% chloramphenicol ophthalmic ointment to the injured eye three times a day for 3 days.
RESULTS—Over the 2 year period there were 1248 cases of ocular trauma reported in the population of 34 902 (1788/100 000 annual incidence) and 551 cases of corneal abrasion (789/100 000 annual incidence). The number of clinically documented corneal ulcers was 558 (799/100 000 annual incidence). Of the 442 eligible patients with corneal abrasion enrolled in the prophylaxis study, 424 (96%) healed without infection, and none of the 284 patients who were started on treatment within 18 hours after the injury developed ulcers. Four of the 109 patients (3.7%) who presented 18-24 hours after injury developed infections, and 14 (28.6%) of the 49 patients who presented 24-48 hours subsequently developed corneal ulceration.
CONCLUSIONS—Ocular trauma and corneal ulceration are serious public health problems that are occurring in epidemic proportions in Nepal. This study conclusively shows that post-traumatic corneal ulceration can be prevented by topical application of 1% chloramphenicol ophthalmic ointment in a timely fashion to the eyes of individuals who have suffered a corneal abrasion in a rural setting. Maximum benefit is obtained if prophylaxis is started within 18 hours after injury.

机译:目的:确定加德满都谷地巴克塔普尔地区眼外伤和角膜溃疡的发生率,并确定局部抗生素的预防措施能否预防角膜磨蚀后溃疡的发展。 81名初级眼保健工作者对34902名个体进行了为期2年的前瞻性随访,他们将所有眼外伤和/或感染病例转至巴克塔普尔的三个当地二级眼科研究中心之一进行检查,治疗和随访。中心记录了所有眼外伤病例并进行了治疗。经临床检查确认的角膜磨蚀患者,在受伤后48小时内无角膜感染迹象,被纳入研究,并每天1次用1%氯霉素眼药膏对受伤的眼睛进行3次治疗,每次3次 天。
结果-在过去的2年中,34 902(每年发生1788/100 000)人群中报告了1248例眼外伤,而角膜磨损(每年发生789/100)551例。 。临床证明的角膜溃疡数目为558(每年发生799/10万)。参加预防性研究的442例符合条件的角膜擦伤患者中,有424(96%)名无感染者he愈,在受伤后18小时内开始治疗的284例患者中,没有一例。在受伤后18-24小时就诊的109例患者中有4个(3.7%)在随后的24-48小时内就诊的49例患者中有14个(28.6%)发生了角膜溃疡。



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