首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>The British Journal of Ophthalmology >Confocal microscopy reveals persisting stromal changes after myopic photorefractive keratectomy in zero haze corneas

Confocal microscopy reveals persisting stromal changes after myopic photorefractive keratectomy in zero haze corneas




AIMS—Micromorphological examination of the central cornea in myopic patients 8-43 months after excimer laser photorefractive keratectomy (PRK), using the slit scanning confocal microscope.
METHODS—Patients were selected from a larger cohort of individuals on the basis of full corneal clarity (haze grading 0 to +1; mean 0.3) and their willingness to participate in the study. 15 eyes of 10 patients with myopic PRK (−4 to −11 D; mean 6.7) and an uneventful postoperative interval of 8-43 months (mean 26) were examined. Contact lenses had been worn by eight of the 10 patients for 4-11 years (mean 6.7) before surgery. Controls included the five untreated fellow eyes of PRK patients, 10 healthy, age matched volunteers without a history of ocular inflammation or contact lens wear, and 20 patients who had worn rigid gas permeable (n=10) or soft contact lenses (n=10) for 2-11 years. Subjects were examined with a real time flying slit, scanning confocal microscope using ×25 and ×50 objectives.
RESULTS—In PRK treated patients and contact lens wearers, basal layer epithelial cells sporadically displayed enhanced reflectivity. The subepithelial nerve plexus was observed in all individuals, but was usually less well contrasted in the PRK group, owing to the presence of a very discrete layer of subepithelial scar tissue, which patchily enhanced background reflectivity. Within all layers of the stroma, two distinct types of abnormal reflective bodies were observed in all PRK treated eyes, but in none of the controls. One had the appearance of long (>= 50 µm), slender (2-8 µm in diameter) dimly reflective rods, which sometimes contained bright, punctate, crystal-like inclusions, arranged linearly and at irregular intervals. The other was shorter (<25 µm), more slender in form (<1 µm in diameter), and highly reflective; these so called needles were composed of crystal-like granules in linear array, with an individual appearance similar to the bright punctate inclusions seen in rods, but densely packed. Both of these unusual structures were confined, laterally, to the ablated area, but were otherwise distributed throughout all stromal layers, with a clear predominance in the anterior ones. These rods and needles were observed in all PRK treated corneas, irrespective of previous contact lens wear. On the basis of qualitative inspection, the incidence of rods and needles did not appear to correlate with either the volume of tissue ablated or the length of the postoperative interval. In contact lens wearing controls, highly reflective granules, reminiscent of those from which the needles were composed, were found scattered as isolated entities throughout the entire depth and lateral extent of the corneal stroma, but rods and needles were never encountered. The corneal endothelium exhibited no obvious abnormalities.
CONCLUSION—Confocal microscopy 8-43 months after PRK revealed belated changes in the corneal stroma. These were manifested as two distinct types of abnormal reflective bodies, which had persisted beyond the stage when acute wound healing would have been expected to be complete. The clinical significance of these findings in the context of contrast visual acuity and long term status of the cornea is, as yet, unknown.

Keywords: photorefractive keratectomy; excimer laser; confocal microscopy; stromal pathology
方法-患者是从较大人群中选择的角膜完全清晰(雾度从0到+1;平均0.3)及其参与研究的意愿。检查了10例近视PRK患者的15眼(-4至-11 D;平均6.7),术后无病间隔时间为8-43个月(平均26岁)。 10名患者中有8名在手术前戴隐形眼镜4-11年(平均6.7岁)。对照组包括5名未经治疗的PRK患者同眼,10名健康,年龄相匹配的志愿者,没有眼部炎症或戴隐形眼镜的病史,以及20名戴过刚性透气性(n = 10)或软性隐形眼镜(n = 10)的患者)2-11年。使用实时飞行狭缝,使用×25和×50物镜的扫描共聚焦显微镜对受试者进行检查。
结果-在PRK治疗的患者和隐形眼镜佩戴者中,基底层上皮细胞偶尔显示出增强的反射率。在所有个体中均观察到上皮下神经丛,但由于存在非常离散的上皮下瘢痕组织层,因此上调了背景反射率,但在PRK组中通常对比度较低。在基质的所有层中,在所有PRK治疗的眼睛中都观察到两种不同类型的异常反射体,但没有一个对照组。其中一个的外观是长的(> = 50 µm)细长的(直径2-8 µm)暗淡的反射棒,有时包含明亮的,点状的,晶体状的夹杂物,呈线性排列,且间隔不规则。另一个较短(<25 µm),形式更细长(直径<1 µm),并且反射率高。这些所谓的针是由线性排列的晶体状颗粒组成,其外观类似于杆中可见的亮点状夹杂物,但密密麻麻。这两个不寻常的结构均在横向上局限于消融区域,但以其他方式分布在所有基质层中,在前层明显占优势。不论以前是否戴隐形眼镜,在所有PRK治疗的角膜中均观察到了这些杆和针。在定性检查的基础上,杆和针的发生率似乎与消融的组织体积或术后间隔时间无关。在配戴隐形眼镜的控件中,发现反射性很强的颗粒(类似于组成针的颗粒)散布在角膜基质的整个深度和横向范围内,是孤立的实体,但从未遇到过杆和针。结论-结论:在PRK术后8-43个月的镜检显示角膜基质的迟来变化。




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