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Retinal detachment associated with atopic dermatitis.




BACKGROUND: Retinal detachment associated with atopic dermatitis, one of the most common forms of dermatitis in Japan, has markedly increased in Japan in the past 10 years. To clarify pathogenic mechanisms of retinal detachment in such cases, we retrospectively studied clinical characteristics of retinal detachment associated with atopic dermatitis. METHODS: We examined the records of 80 patients (89 eyes) who had retinal detachment associated with atopic dermatitis. The patients were classified into three groups according to lens status: group A, eyes with clear lenses (40 eyes); group B, eyes with cataract (38 eyes), and group C, aphakic or pseudophakic eyes (11 eyes). RESULTS: No significant differences were noted in the ratio of males to females, age distribution, refractive error, or characteristic of retinal detachment among the three groups. The types of retinal breaks, however, were different in eyes with and without lens changes. While atrophic holes were dominant in group A, retinal dialysis was mainly seen in groups B and C. CONCLUSION: These findings suggested that anterior vitreoretinal traction may play an important role in the pathogenesis of retinal breaks in eyes with atopic cataract and that the same pathological process may affect the formation of cataract and tractional retinal breaks in patients with atopic dermatitis.
机译:背景:与特应性皮炎有关的视网膜脱离是日本最常见的皮炎形式之一,在过去的10年中在日本明显增多。为了弄清这种情况下视网膜脱离的致病机制,我们回顾性研究了特应性皮炎相关的视网膜脱离的临床特征。方法:我们检查了80例患有特应性皮炎的视网膜脱离的患者(89眼)的记录。根据晶状体状态将患者分为三组:A组,有透明晶状体的眼(40只眼); A组。 B组为白内障眼(38只眼),C组为无晶状眼或假晶状体眼(11只眼)。结果:三组之间的男女比例,年龄分布,屈光不正或视网膜脱离特征没有显着差异。然而,在有和没有晶状体更换的眼睛中,视网膜断裂的类型是不同的。尽管在A组中萎缩孔占优势,但在B和C组中主要见于视网膜透析。结论:这些发现表明,前玻璃体视网膜牵引可能在特应性白内障眼视网膜断裂的发病机理中起重要作用,并且病理相同过程可能会影响特应性皮炎患者白内障的形成和牵引性视网膜断裂。



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