首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>The British Journal of Ophthalmology >Results of treatment with topical mitomycin C 0.02 following excision of primary pterygium.

Results of treatment with topical mitomycin C 0.02 following excision of primary pterygium.

机译:原发性翼状ision肉切除后局部用丝裂霉素C 0.02%的治疗结果。



AIMS--The effectiveness of instillation of mitomycin C eyedrops on the recurrence rate of pterygium was assessed in patients undergoing primary pterygium surgery. Any side effects were also noted. METHODS--Primary pterygia in 38 consecutive patients were surgically excised during July to December 1992. After surgery, mitomycin C 0.02% eyedrops twice daily for 5 days as well as dexamethasone 0.1% four times tapered for the next 6 weeks were instilled. Postoperative follow up ranged from 6 to 11 months. RESULTS--In one patient the pterygium recurred after 3 months (recurrence rate 2.6%). The side effects encountered were: avascularised sclera in 13 cases between 1-10 months postoperatively; ocular discomfort and lacrimation in five cases; superficial punctate keratitis during the first month in three cases; pyogenic granuloma in two cases. In one patient steroid induced increased intraocular pressure was found 4 weeks after surgery. The adverse side effects were all mild, self limiting, and easily treated. CONCLUSION--This study suggests that postoperative instillation of mitomycin C 0.02% eyedrops twice daily for 5 days following excision of primary pterygium is an effective and safe treatment to obviate pterygium recurrence.
机译:目的-评估在接受初次翼状surgery肉手术的患者中滴注丝裂霉素C滴眼液对翼状g肉复发率的有效性。还注意到任何副作用。方法-在1992年7月至12月期间,通过外科手术切除了38例原发性翼状gia肉。手术后,滴注丝裂霉素C 0.02%的眼药水,每天两次,连续5天,滴注0.1%的地塞米松,在接下来的6周内四次逐渐滴眼。术后随访时间为6至11个月。结果-一名患者的翼状3肉在3个月后复发(复发率为2.6%)。遇到的副作用是:术后1-10个月内13例无血管巩膜增生;眼部不适和流泪5例; 3个月的第一个月出现点状点状角膜炎;化脓性肉芽肿2例。一名患者在术后4周发现类固醇诱导的眼压升高。不良副作用均为轻微,自我限制且易于治疗。结论-这项研究表明,在切除原发性翼状following肉后,连续5天每天两次滴注0.02%丝裂霉素C滴眼液是避免翼状re肉复发的有效且安全的治疗方法。



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