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Topical fluconazole for experimental candida keratitis in rabbits.




Using a reproducible model of Candida albicans keratitis in rabbits we studied the effect of topical fluconazole, a new triazole. Candida albicans DSM 70010 (2.5 X 10(5) cells) was injected into the corneal stroma of both eyes of 21 rabbits. All eyes developed a corneal ulcer. Forty-eight hours after inoculation the animals were divided into three groups: (1) 14 eyes, received fluconazole (2 mg/ml) and the epithelium subsequently removed; (2) 14 eyes, received only fluconazole drops; (3) 14 eyes, received 0.9% NaCl: half of this group was also debrided. We applied one drop of either substance 10 times a day for 24 days. A further six rabbits were used to judge if the drug penetrated into the cornea and aqueous humour. There was a highly significant difference between the fluconazole groups (1,2) and the control group (3) as to hypopyon and complications (descemetocele, corneal perforation) as well as recultivation of C. albicans from corneal tissue. The difference between the fluconazole groups with and without debridement was not significant. The drug penetrated into the cornea and aqueous humour of both uninflamed and inflamed eyes.
机译:使用可复制的白色念珠菌性角膜炎兔模型,我们研究了局部用氟康唑(一种新的三唑)的作用。将白色念珠菌DSM 70010(2.5 X 10(5)细胞)注射到21只兔子的两只眼睛的角膜基质中。所有的眼睛发展为角膜溃疡。接种后48小时,将动物分为三组:(1)14只眼睛,接受氟康唑(2mg / ml),随后去除上皮。 (2)14只眼,仅接受氟康唑滴眼液; (3)14眼,接受0.9%NaCl:这组的一半也被清创。我们每天将10滴任何一种物质滴入24天,每天10次。再用六只兔子来判断药物是否渗透到角膜和房水中。氟康唑组(1,2)和对照组(3)之间在hyperpyon和并发症(去角膜膨出,角膜穿孔)以及从角膜组织中再培养白色念珠菌之间有非常显着的差异。氟康唑组与未清创组之间的差异不显着。该药物渗入未发炎和发炎的眼睛的角膜和房水。



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