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Differential effects of hypoxia upon contractions evoked by potassium and noradrenaline in rabbit arteries in vitro.




1. A study has been made on isolated sections of rabbit femoral, renal and saphenous arteries of the effects of graded hypoxia (reducing bath PO2 from 110 mmHg, normoxia, to 55, 23 and 6 mmHg) upon contractile responses evoked by noradrenaline (NA) and KCl to 80% of maximum. 2. Potassium-evoked contractions were not affected by moderate hypoxia but were reduced in all vessels to 70-80% of the control response in normoxia, by exposure to either PO2 23 or 6 mmHg. Potassium-evoked contractions were virtually abolished by Ca2(+)-free Krebs solution and greatly reduced by verapamil (10 microM), indicating that they relied upon influx of extracellular Ca2+. 3. By contrast, NA-evoked contractions were reduced in a graded fashion in all vessels by exposure to graded levels of hypoxia and at PO2 6 mmHg they were significantly more reduced than K(+)-evoked contractions. Noradrenaline-evoked contractions of femoral arteries were most affected, being reduced to 80% of control at PO2 55 mmHg, and to 28% and 6% of control at PO2 23 and 6 mmHg respectively. Contractions in renal arteries were least affected, being reduced to only 47% of control at PO2 6 mmHg. 4. Noradrenaline-evoked contractions were reduced, but not abolished, in Ca2(+)-free Krebs solution. In normoxia, they reached 42%, 35% and 25% of control responses in the presence of Ca2+ in femoral, renal and saphenous arteries respectively. The Ca2(+)-free responses of the femoral and saphenous arteries were significantly different, indicating that the femoral arteries were least dependent and saphenous most dependent on influx of extracellular Ca2+ for contraction. 5. Contractions evoked by NA in Ca2(+)-free Krebs solution were not significantly affected by PO2 55 mmHg. Those evoked in saphenous arteries were not affected by more severe hypoxia, but in renal arteries they were significantly reduced at PO2 23 mmHg, while in femoral arteries they were significantly reduced both at PO2 23 and at PO2 6 mmHg. 6. Verapamil produced changes similar to Ca2+ withdrawal. Contractions evoked by NA in the presence of verapamil were affected by hypoxia in a similar way to those evoked in the absence of Ca2+. 7. These results indicate that the inhibition of contraction induced by hypoxia is not simply dependent upon inhibition of Ca2+ influx. Instead, we propose that receptor-operated rather than voltage-operated processes are particularly vulnerable, there being inhibition of the components of contraction which are dependent on receptor-operated Ca2+ influx and release of intracellular Ca2+.
机译:1.已对兔股,肾和隐性动脉的离体切片进行了研究,研究了去甲肾上腺素(NA)引起的收缩反应后,分级缺氧(将浴中的PO2从正常氧水平110 mmHg降至55、23和6 mmHg) )和氯化钾的最大含量的80%。 2.钾引起的收缩不受中度缺氧的影响,但在正常氧环境中,通过暴露于PO2 23或6 mmHg,钾引起的收缩降低至正常反应的70-80%。不含钾的Krebs溶液实际上消除了钾引起的收缩,而维拉帕米(10 microM)大大减少了钾引起的收缩,表明它们依赖于细胞外Ca2 +的流入。 3.相反,通过暴露于分级缺氧水平,NA引起的收缩在所有血管中均以分级的方式降低,在PO2 6 mmHg下,它们明显比K(+)引起的收缩降低更多。去甲肾上腺素引起的股动脉收缩受到的影响最大,在PO2 55 mmHg时降至对照的80%,在PO2 23和6 mmHg时降至对照的28%和6%。肾动脉的收缩受到的影响最小,在PO2 6 mmHg时降至对照组的47%。 4.在不含Ca2(+)的Krebs溶液中,去甲肾上腺素引起的收缩减少但没有消除。在常氧状态下,在股动脉,肾动脉和隐性动脉中存在Ca2 +时,它们分别达到对照反应的42%,35%和25%。股动脉和隐性动脉的无Ca2 +响应显着不同,表明股动脉对细胞外Ca2 +的收缩依赖性最小,而隐性最大。 5. NA在不含Ca2(+)的Krebs溶液中引起的收缩受PO2 55 mmHg的影响不明显。在隐性动脉中诱发的那些不受更严重的缺氧的影响,但是在肾动脉中,PO2 23 mmHg时显着降低,而在股动脉中,PO2 23和PO2 6 mmHg时显着降低。 6.维拉帕米产生的变化类似于Ca2 +戒断。在维拉帕米存在下,NA引起的收缩受缺氧的影响与在不存在Ca2 +的情况下引起的收缩相似。 7.这些结果表明,由缺氧引起的收缩抑制不仅仅取决于对Ca2 +内流的抑制。取而代之的是,我们认为受体操作而非电压操作过程特别脆弱,存在着依赖于受体操作的Ca2 +内流和细胞内Ca2 +释放的收缩成分的抑制作用。



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