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Vitamin D and parotid gland function in the rat.




1. We previously reported that parotid gland secretion is decreased in rats deprived of vitamin D (Glijer, Peterfy & Tenenhouse, 1985). In the present study we examine whether this effect is a direct result of the absence of vitamin D or due to the secondary systemic effects of vitamin D deficiency. 2. Offspring of rats maintained on a calcium-supplemented (1.2%), vitamin-D-deficient diet were weaned onto the same diet and examined after 8 weeks. Using this method it was possible to maintain serum calcium and parathyroid hormone concentrations within normal limits. Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D3) was not detectable, but 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D (1,25(OH)2D3) concentrations were normal. 3. Pilocarpine-stimulated flow of parotid saliva was reduced 57% in vitamin-D-deprived animals, but amylase secretion was unchanged. Treatment with vitamin D3 returned flow rates to normal. 4. The concentration of calcium in parotid saliva was normal in vitamin-D-deprived rats, although total parotid calcium output was reduced 57%. 5. Pilocarpine-stimulated salivary flow from submandibular gland, a tissue which does not possess 1,25(OH)2D3 receptors, was normal in vitamin-D-deprived rats. 6. Heart rate and arterial blood pressure changes in response to I.V. pilocarpine administration were identical in normal and vitamin-D-deficient rats. 7. Auriculotemporal nerve-stimulated flow of parotid saliva was also reduced by 50% and administration of vitamin D3 to these rats corrected this abnormality. 8. It is concluded that fluid and electrolyte secretion from parotid gland is directly dependent on vitamin D; abnormal parotid gland function seen in vitamin-D-deficient rats is not due to secondary hypocalcaemia or hyperparathyroidism, nor can it be explained by haemodynamic changes evoked during systemic administration of pilocarpine. We further conclude that the metabolite of vitamin D responsible for this effect is not 1,25(OH)2D3.
机译:1.我们先前曾报道,缺乏维生素D的大鼠腮腺分泌减少(Glijer,Peterfy和Tenenhouse,1985)。在本研究中,我们研究了这种作用是否是缺乏维生素D的直接结果,还是由于维生素D缺乏引起的继发性全身作用。 2.维持补充钙(1.2%),缺乏维生素D的饮食的大鼠的后代断奶至相同饮食,并在8周后检查。使用这种方法可以将血清钙和甲状旁腺激素的浓度维持在正常范围内。血清25-羟基维生素D(25(OH)D3)未检出,但1,25-二羟基维生素D(1,25(OH)2D3)浓度正常。 3.在缺乏维生素D的动物中,毛果芸香碱刺激的腮腺唾液流量减少了57%,但淀粉酶的分泌没有改变。维生素D3治疗可使流速恢复正常。 4.缺乏维生素D的大鼠腮腺唾液中的钙浓度正常,尽管腮腺总钙输出降低了57%。 5.毛果芸香碱刺激下颌下腺的唾液流是缺乏维生素D的大鼠的正常现象,该组织不具有1,25(OH)2D3受体。 6.心率和动脉血压随I.V.变化。正常和缺乏维生素D的大鼠毛果芸香碱的给药方法相同。 7.耳颞神经刺激的腮腺唾液流量也减少了50%,向这些大鼠服用维生素D3可纠正这种异常。 8.结论是腮腺的液体和电解质分泌直接依赖于维生素D,而维生素D则直接依赖于维生素D。在维生素D缺乏症大鼠中看到的腮腺功能异常不是由于继发性低钙血症或甲状旁腺功能亢进引起的,也不能通过全身性给予毛果芸香碱引起的血流动力学改变来解释。我们进一步得出结论,造成这种作用的维生素D代谢产物不是1,25(OH)2D3。



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