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Interhemispheric transfer of visual information in humans: spatial characteristics.




1. The problem of the interhemispheric transfer of visual information in humans has been approached psychophysically, making use of a visual discrimination task that shows a clear left field advantage and is subject to the phenomenon of perceptual learning. 2. For this task (discrimination of complex gratings differing only by the relative spatial phase of their harmonic components) there is a left field advantage and a lack of interhemispheric transfer of learning effects at all spatial frequencies tested for stimuli removed at least 5 deg from either side of the vertical meridian. 3. For stimuli close to the vertical meridian, the left field advantage disappears and there is a complete transfer of learning effects, provided the fundamental spatial frequency is 2 cycles/deg or lower. 4. At higher spatial frequencies the left field advantage is maintained and the learning effects do not transfer from one visual hemifield to the other, even at +/- 0.5 deg from the vertical meridian, unless the contrast is very high. 5. The transfer of learning effects obtained for spatial frequencies of 2 cycles/deg or lower is peculiar to regions placed close to the vertical meridian and symmetrically located on either side of it. No transfer is obtained between non-overlapping regions on the same side of the vertical meridian. 6. These findings are consistent with an interhemispheric transfer of visual information, preferential for low spatial frequencies and high contrasts, in agreement with that found for callosal transfer in the cat (Berardi, Bisti & Maffei, 1987).
机译:1.心理上已经解决了人类视觉信息在半球之间传递的问题,它利用视觉辨别任务表现出明显的左视场优势,并且受到知觉学习现象的影响。 2.对于此任务(区分仅由谐波分量的相对空间相位而异的复杂光栅),存在左场优势,并且在所有空间频率上对学习效果进行的半球间传递缺乏学习,这些空间频率的激励至少与之相差5度。垂直子午线的任一侧。 3.对于接近垂直子午线的刺激,如果基本空间频率为2个周期/度或更低,则左视野优势消失,学习效果将完全转移。 4.在较高的空间频率下,即使在与垂直子午线成+/- 0.5度的情况下,左视场优势仍将保持,并且学习效果不会从一个视觉半场转移到另一个视觉半场,除非对比度很高。 5.对于2个周期/度以下的空间频率或更低的空间频率,所获得的学习效果的传递特定于靠近垂直子午线且对称地位于其任一侧的区域。在垂直子午线同一侧的非重叠区域之间未获得传输。 6.这些发现与半球形的视觉信息传递是一致的,这对于低空间频率和高对比度是有利的,这与猫的call骨传递的发现是一致的(Berardi,Bisti&Maffei,1987)。



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