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Effects of caffeine on intracellular calcium concentrations in frog skeletal muscle fibres.




1. The mechanism of twitch potentiation by caffeine was studied in single muscle fibres dissected from m. tibialis anterior of Rana temporaria. Fibres were injected with a Ca2+-sensitive photo-protein, aequorin, and the resultant light signal and tension were simultaneously recorded. 2. In twitch responses triggered every 60 s, peaks of light and tension were maintained at a constant level. Low concentrations of caffeine (0.2-0.4 mM) potentiated twitch tension accompanied by a slight increase in light signal. 3. Although peak twitch tension was dose-dependently potentiated by caffeine, light peaks were suppressed at relatively higher concentrations of caffeine (0.6-1.5 mM) with prolonged decay of the light and tension signals. 4. Light intensity in the resting muscle (resting glow) was elevated by caffeine (0.2-1.5 mM) dose-dependently without detectable tension development. This effect of caffeine was suppressed by 0.5-1.0 mM-procaine or 10 mM-adenine, inhibitors of Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release. 5. In caffeine-treated preparations, peaks of light and tension were augmented by application of procaine (0.5-1.0 mM). Adenine (10 mM) affected the light signal in essentially the same way as procaine, but the effect varied from fibre to fibre. 6. From these results, the following hypothesis is proposed: low concentrations of caffeine directly induce Ca2+ release from sarcoplasmic reticulum (s.r.) in in the resting state, and facilitates Ca2+ release from s.r. induced by the action potential during twitch. At relatively higher concentrations of caffeine (0.6-1.5 mM), rise of resting [Ca2+]i (intracellular free Ca2+ concentration) before activation might be an important factor in twitch potentiation by caffeine. If the rise of resting [Ca2+]i induced by caffeine is inhibited by procaine and the content of Ca2+ in s.r. is well maintained, caffeine could facilitate Ca2+ release by depolarization and thus potentiate twitch tension.
机译:1.研究了从咖啡因中分离出的单条肌纤维中咖啡因引起的抽搐增强的机制。林蛙的胫骨前部。向纤维注射钙敏感的光蛋白水母发光蛋白,并同时记录所产生的光信号和张力。 2.在每60秒触发一次抽搐反应时,光和张力的峰值保持恒定。低浓度的咖啡因(0.2-0.4 mM)增强了抽搐的张力,同时光信号略有增加。 3.尽管咖啡因对抽搐的峰值张力具有剂量依赖性,但在咖啡因浓度相对较高(0.6-1.5 mM)时,光峰值被抑制,同时光和张力信号的衰减时间延长。 4.咖啡因(0.2-1.5 mM)剂量依赖性地提高了静息肌中的光强度(静息辉光),而没有可察觉的紧张发展。咖啡因的这种作用被Ca2 +诱导的Ca2 +释放抑制剂0.5-1.0 mM-procaine或10 mM-腺嘌呤抑制。 5.在咖啡因处理的制剂中,普鲁卡因(0.5-1.0 mM)可增加光和张力的峰值。腺嘌呤(10 mM)对光信号的影响与普鲁卡因基本相同,但不同光纤的影响不同。 6.根据这些结果,提出以下假设:低浓度咖啡因直接诱导静止状态下肌浆网(s.r.)释放Ca2 +,并促进Ca. +从s.r.释放。在抽搐期间由动作电位引起。在咖啡因浓度相对较高(0.6-1.5 mM)时,活化前静止的[Ca2 +] i(细胞内游离Ca2 +浓度)升高可能是咖啡因抽搐增强的重要因素。如果咖啡因诱导的静息[Ca2 +] i升高受到普鲁卡因的抑制,并且s.r中的Ca2 +含量受到抑制。如果保持良好,咖啡因可通过去极化促进Ca2 +释放,从而增强抽搐的张力。



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