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Presence of a noradrenaline uptake system on a ligated cat sympathetic nerve.




[3H]noradrenaline [( 3H]NA) uptake studies were carried out in cat hypogastric nerves ligated in vivo, 2 cm distal to the inferior mesenteric ganglion, for different time periods. Atria from the same animals served as controls to determine the uptake of the amine by the U1 uptake system present in noradrenergic nerve terminals. The net uptake of [3H]NA by hypogastric nerves increased with time of ligation, reaching a maximum 24 h after ligation in the segment of nerve immediately proximal to the ligature (P1 segment, neurosome). No further increase in uptake was observed at 48 or 72 h. Segments distal (D1) to the ligature also retained significant amounts of [3H]NA. In both cases the uptake was blocked by cocaine (3 microM). Reserpine pre-treatment (2 mg/kg I.M.) markedly decreased the endogenous NA content to 1-2% of untreated cats and the net uptake of [3H]NA was lowered to 25% both in cat hypogastric nerve and atria. The uptake was further decreased in the presence of cocaine (3 microM). 6-Hydroxydopamine (100 microM) did not modify the [3H]NA uptake by ligated cat hypogastric nerves but almost abolished the [3H]NA net uptake by right atria from the same animals. After collagenase pre-treatment (0.05% for 15 min) the net uptake of [3H]NA was not altered in the atrium. However, collagenase-pre-treated ligated nerves, took up almost twice as much [3H]NA; under these conditions, 6-hydroxydopamine produced a marked decrease in [3H]NA net uptake. These data suggest the presence in the perineurium of a diffusion barrier for very polar substances, including 6-hydroxydopamine. In conclusion, our data demonstrate that the cat hypogastric nerve ligated in vivo has a cocaine-sensitive system for NA uptake which resembles the NA uptake mechanism (U1) present in noradrenergic nerve terminals. Our data further support the view that the ligated cat hypogastric nerve (neurosome) could be considered as a model of noradrenergic nerve terminal free of effector cell.
机译:[3H]去甲肾上腺素[(3H] NA)摄取研究在不同时间段在体内结扎肠系膜下神经节2 cm的猫下腹神经中进行。来自相同动物的心房用作对照,以确定去甲肾上腺素能神经末梢中存在的U1摄取系统对胺的摄取。胃下神经对[3H] NA的净摄取随结扎时间的增加而增加,结扎后紧接结扎的神经段(P1段,神经小体)达到最大24小时。在48或72小时未观察到摄取的进一步增加。结扎远端(D1)的节段也保留了大量的[3H] NA。在这两种情况下,可卡因(3 microM)都会阻止摄取。利血平预处理(2 mg / kg I.M.)显着降低了未治疗猫的内源性NA含量至1-2%,并且在猫下腹神经和心房中[3H] NA的净摄取均降低至25%。在可卡因(3 microM)存在下,摄取量进一步降低。 6-羟多巴胺(100 microM)不会改变结扎的猫下腹神经对[3H] NA的吸收,但是几乎消除了相同动物右心房对[3H] NA的净吸收。胶原酶预处理(0.05%,持续15分钟)后,心房中[3H] NA的净摄取没有改变。然而,胶原酶预处理的结扎神经几乎吸收了[3H] NA的两倍。在这些条件下,6-羟基多巴胺显着降低了[3H] NA的净吸收。这些数据表明在会阴部存在极强极性物质(包括6-羟基多巴胺)的扩散屏障。总之,我们的数据表明,体内结扎的猫下腹神经具有可卡因敏感的NA摄取系统,类似于去甲肾上腺素能神经末梢中存在的NA摄取机制(U1)。我们的数据进一步支持了这样的观点,即结扎的猫下腹神经(神经体)可以被视为无效应细胞的去甲肾上腺素能神经末梢的模型。



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