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Characterization of miniature inhibitory post-synaptic potentials in rat spinal motoneurones.




Intracellular recordings were made from motoneurones in the isolated spinal cord of neonatal rats. After action potentials had been abolished by tetrodotoxin (TTX, 10(-6) g/ml), small (approximately 0.4 mV) depolarizing potentials occurred spontaneously in motoneurones at low frequencies (approximately 1.5 Hz). These potentials were detectable only after the intracellular Cl- concentration of motoneurones was raised by using KCl electrodes and most of them were blocked by strychnine, suggesting that they are inhibitory post-synaptic potentials (i.p.s.p.s). These spontaneous i.p.s.p.s under TTX are designated as 'miniature i.p.s.p.s' in order to distinguish them from i.p.s.p.s arising from spontaneous impulse activities of interneurones or afferent fibres. The miniature i.p.s.p.s were still observed after Ca2+ in saline was substituted by Mg2+ or Mn2+. In low Ca2+ and high Mg2+ saline, the amplitude distribution of miniature i.p.s.p.s was essentially the same as in normal saline. The frequency of miniature i.p.s.p.s increased when external Ca2+ concentration was raised. The frequency decreased to about 60% of the control when external Ca2+ was substituted by Mg2+ (2-4 mM), whereas it increased to more than 20-fold when substituted by Mn2+ (3-5 mM). When the external K+ concentration was raised, the frequency of miniature i.p.s.p.s under TTX increased non-linearly with the K+ concentration. The maximum slope in the relation between the log frequency and log K+ concentration was about 3.6. When the osmotic pressure was increased by adding sucrose, miniature i.p.s.p.s increased in frequency. The effect of osmotic pressure was relatively mild compared with that reported for the miniature end-plate potentials (e.p.p.s) in the frog. When the temperature was raised, the frequency of miniature i.p.s.p.s increased. The relation between frequency and temperature fitted approximately to a straight line in Arrhenius plot with a Q10 of about 2.6. These characteristics of the miniature i.p.s.p.s closely resemble those of the miniature e.p.p.s. It is concluded that the miniature i.p.s.p.s recorded in motoneurones are equivalent in nature to the miniature e.p.p.s in neuromuscular junctions, thus reflecting the spontaneous release of quantal packages of the inhibitory transmitter.
机译:从新生大鼠离体脊髓中的运动神经元进行细胞内记录。在河豚毒素(TTX,10(-6)g / ml)消除了动作电位之后,运动神经元中的低频自发产生了较小的(约0.4 mV)去极化电位(约1.5 Hz)。这些电位只有在使用KCl电极提高了细胞内Cl-浓度的运动神经元后才可检测到,并且其中大多数被士的宁阻断,表明它们具有抑制突触后的电位(i.p.s.p.s)。 TTX下的这些自发的i.p.s.p.s被称为“微型i.p.s.p.s”,以便将它们与由神经元或纤维的自发脉冲活动引起的i.p.s.p.s区别开来。在盐水中的Ca2 +被Mg2 +或Mn2 +代替后,仍然观察到微小的i.p.s.p.s。在低Ca2 +和高Mg2 +盐水中,微型i.p.s.p.s的振幅分布与普通盐水基本相同。当外部Ca2 +浓度升高时,微型i.p.s.p.s的频率增加。当外部Ca2 +被Mg2 +(2-4 mM)取代时,频率降低至对照的60%,而当被Mn2 +(3-5 mM)取代时,频率增加至20倍以上。当外部K +浓度升高时,在TTX下微型i.p.s.p.s的频率随K +浓度非线性增加。对数频率与对数K +浓度之间的关系的最大斜率约为3.6。当通过添加蔗糖增加渗透压时,微型i.p.s.p.s的频率增加。与报道的青蛙的终极板电位(e.p.p.s)相比,渗透压的影响相对较小。当温度升高时,微型i.p.s.p.s的频率增加。频率和温度之间的关系近似拟合为Arrhenius图中的一条直线,其Q10约为2.6。微型i.p.s.p.s的这些特征与微型e.p.p.s.s的特征非常相似。结论是,在运动神经元中记录的微型腹膜内注射本质上等同于神经肌肉接头中的微型腹膜内注射,因此反映了抑制性递质定量包装的自发释放。



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