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Recent advances in systemic therapy. Advances in adjuvant systemic chemotherapy of early breast cancer




Adjuvant treatment for early breast cancer is an evolving field. Since the advent of the initial cyclophosphamide, methotrexate and 5-fluorouracil (CMF) regimens, which reduced risk for recurrence and death, anthracyclines and subsequently taxanes were added to the cytotoxic armamentarium for use sequentially or in combination in the adjuvant setting. The efficacy and toxicity of each chemotherapy regimen must be viewed within the context of host co-morbidities and the specific biologic phenotype of the tumor. In the era of mammographic screening, small, node-negative breast cancer is the most frequent presentation of the disease. Patient selection for adjuvant chemotherapy has become a key issue. Traditional prognostic factors continue to be of value in determining the risk for relapse, but new and sophisticated genomic tools (such as Oncotype Dx® and Mammaprint®) are now available and may improve our ability to select patients. For those patients who do require adjuvant chemotherapy, the 'one size fits all' paradigm should never again feature in the treatment of early breast cancer, following the important insights yielded by biomarker research to identify those who will benefit the most from a particular drug. In this review we focus on some of the current controversies and potential future steps in adjuvant chemotherapy for treatment of early breast cancer.
机译:早期乳腺癌的辅助治疗是一个不断发展的领域。由于最初的环磷酰胺,甲氨蝶呤和5-氟尿嘧啶(CMF)方案的出现降低了复发和死亡的风险,因此蒽环类抗生素和随后的紫杉烷类被添加到细胞毒性武器库中,以在辅助环境中顺序或组合使用。必须在宿主合并症和肿瘤的特定生物学表型的背景下观察每种化疗方案的疗效和毒性。在乳腺钼靶筛查时代,淋巴结阴性的小型乳腺癌是该病最常见的表现。选择辅助化疗的患者已成为关键问题。传统的预后因素在确定复发风险中仍然很有价值,但是现在可以使用新的复杂基因组工具(例如Oncotype Dx ®和Mammaprint ®),并且可能提高我们选择患者的能力。对于确实需要辅助化疗的那些患者,遵循生物标志物研究得出的重要见识来确定那些将从特定药物中受益最大的人之后,“一刀切”的范式就不应再用于早期乳腺癌的治疗。在这篇综述中,我们着眼于辅助化疗治疗早期乳腺癌的一些当前争议和潜在的未来步骤。



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