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The pattern of cardiovascular response to carotid chemoreceptor stimulation in the cat.




1. The pattern of cardiovascular response evoked by carotid chemoreceptor stimulation has been investigated in cats anesthetized by continuous infusion of Althesin (Glaxo). 2. A variety of chemoreceptor stimulants, injected retrogradely into the lingual artery with the external carotid artery ligated, evoked hyperventilation with variable changes in arterial pressure and heart-rate, but a consistent vasodilatation in limb muscles and vasoconstriction in renal, mesenteric and cutaneous vasculature. 3. The muscle vasodilatation was still obtained after vagotomy and when the animal was paralysed and artificially ventilated; thus, it was not secondary to the hyperventilation. 4. In the majority of experiments the muscle vasodilatation was much reduced or abolished by atropine indicating it was mediated by sympathetic cholinergic fibres, which is characteristic of the alerting stage of the defence reaction in the cat. The cardiovascular pattern was accompanied by the other autonomic features of the alerting response, viz. pupillary dilatation, retraction of the nictitating membranes and pilo-erection. 5. In one and the same animal the pattern of response evoked by carotid chemoreceptor stimulation was the same as that evoked by noxious cutaneous stimulation, and by electrical stimulation in the brain stem defence areas. 6. It is concluded that peripheral chemoreceptor stimulation acts as an excitatory input to the hypothalamic and brain stem defence areas and that it can readily evoke the autonomic components of the alerting stage of the defence reaction. It is suggested that this has been missed in previous studies on anaesthetized animals because of the depressant action of chloralose and barbiturates on transmission in the hypothalamus and mid-brain.
机译:1.已经研究了在连续输注Althesin(Glaxo)麻醉的猫中,颈动脉化学感受器刺激引起的心血管反应的模式。 2.各种化学感受器兴奋剂,结扎颈外动脉后向舌动脉逆行注射,引起过度换气,动脉压和心率变化不定,但四肢肌肉血管持续舒张,肾,肠系膜和皮肤脉管系统血管收缩。 3.迷走神经切断术和动物瘫痪并进行人工通气后,仍能获得肌肉血管舒张。因此,它不是过度换气的继发因素。 4.在大多数实验中,阿托品大大减少或消除了肌肉的血管舒张作用,这表明它是由交感性胆碱能纤维介导的,这是猫防御反应警觉阶段的特征。心血管模式伴有警报反应的其他自主功能,即。瞳孔扩张,神经膜缩回和毛细血管勃起。 5.在同一只动物中,颈动脉化学感受器刺激引起的反应模式与有害的皮肤刺激以及脑干防御区的电刺激引起的反应模式相同。 6.结论是,外围化学感受器刺激是下丘脑和脑干防御区的兴奋性输入,它可以很容易地唤起防御反应警戒阶段的自主神经成分。有人认为,由于氯醛糖和巴比妥酸盐对下丘脑和大脑中部的传递具有抑制作用,因此在先前对麻醉动物进行的研究中并未注意到这一点。



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