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Reciprocal transplantations between the optic tectum and the cerebellum in adult goldfish.




1. The topographic pattern of re-established visual projections after a reciprocal transplantation between tectal and cerebellar tissues was studied in adult goldfish. 2. A rectangular tissue was dissected from the left tectum, and a similar piece from the cerebellum in the same fish. The cerebellar piece was rotated by either 180 or 0 degrees around the dorsoventral axis, and transplanted into the tectum in place of the tectal piece. This tectal tissue was likewise grafted into the cerebellum after either 180 or 0 degrees rotation in the same fish. 3. The tectal graft disappeared from the cerebellum within 2 months after surgery. The operated cerebellum showed a remarkable capability for healing its excised part. No visual responses were recorded from the cerebellum. 4. The cerebellar grafts remained in place within the operated tectum in twenty fish. In fifteen of these fish, tested 3 or 4 months after surgery, the cerebellar grafts did not give any visual responses, unlike the surrounding responsive area of the tectum. These fish showed a partial scotoma in the central area of the visual field, which corresponded to the unresponsive transplanted area of the tectum. Autoradiographic examination after intraocular injection of L-[3H]proline showed that these cerebellar grafts did not contain any noticeable label, in contrast to the extensively labelled surrounding tectal tissues. 5. Sporadic visual responses were recorded from deep layers in the transplanted area of the tectum in five of the twenty fish at early post-operative periods. The receptive fields of these responses were distributed in a correct retinotopic order, regardless of whether the cerebellar tissue had been rotated by either 180 or 0 degrees. Autoradiographic examination, however, revealed that these cerebellar grafts were not invaded by regenerating optic fibres. Instead, they bypassed the interposed cerebellar tissue by making detours beneath the graft on the way towards their appropriate target zones within the tectal tissue. 6. This selective avoidance of a foreign (cerebellar) tissue and the orderly reinnervation of the proper tectal tissue by regenerating optic fibres provide us with further evidence for neuronal specificity.
机译:1.在成年金鱼中研究了在盲肠和小脑组织之间相互移植后重建的视觉投影的地形图。 2.在同一条鱼中,从左顶盖解剖出一个矩形组织,从小脑切出一个类似的组织。小脑块绕着背腹轴旋转了180度或0度,并代替了盖块被移植到了顶盖中。同样,在同一条鱼中旋转180度或0度后,该坐骨组织也被移植到小脑中。 3.术后2个月内,小脑顶盖消失。手术后的小脑表现出了显着的愈合切除部分的能力。小脑未见视觉反应。 4.小脑移植物保留在二十只鱼的手术顶盖内。在这些鱼中有15条在手术后3或4个月进行了测试,与周围的顶盖反应区域不同,小脑移植物没有任何视觉反应。这些鱼在视野的中央区域显示了一个局部的暗点,对应于顶盖的无反应的移植区域。眼内注射L- [3H]脯氨酸后的放射自显影检查表明,与周围周围组织广泛标记的小脑相比,这些小脑移植物没有任何明显的标记。 5.在术后早期,从二十只鱼中五只鱼的顶盖移植区域的深层记录了零星的视觉反应。无论小脑组织是旋转180度还是旋转0度,这些响应的感受野均以正确的视网膜排列顺序分布。放射自显影检查显示,这些小脑移植物未受到再生光纤的侵袭。相反,他们绕过了插入的小脑组织,绕行了在移植物下方的弯路,朝着其在枕骨组织内适当的目标区域前进。 6.这种选择性避免异物(小脑)组织和通过再生光纤有序地使适当的顶盖组织神经支配为神经元特异性提供了进一步的证据。



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